
Hey Guitar Player - chambered guitars != solidbody guitars.

Guys like this miss the point.

"So, from a perspective of tone, is there something inherently “wrong” with adding air space to a guitar that would otherwise pass as a traditional solidbody?"

Duh - yes. If you've ever played a classic Gibson Les Paul from before 2005 and compared it to say one of their more recent 'weight-relieved' models, apart from the latter being very expensive, the tone is noticeably thinner.

And more importantly it's not - nor should it be advertised as - a solidbody guitar.

If Gibson or any other guitar manufacturer wants to drill holes into what is advertised or implied as a solidbody guitar, that's their decision - However they should do the honest thing and call that out in their brochures and ads and not call it a solid body guitar, so a customer can know that before they plunk down their hard-earned cash that they'll literally buying quantities of space and air.


I never saw the American Right as different configurations, entities and indeed different versions.

That is, until I read this -


  1. the pre-Confederate period from 1787 to 1860 when slave owners first opposed and then sought to constrain the Constitution, viewing it as a threat to slavery; 
  2. the actual Confederacy from 1861 to 1865 when the South took up arms against the Constitution in defense of slavery; 
  3. the post-Confederate era from 1866 to the 1960s when white racists violently thwarted constitutional protections for blacks; 
  4. and the neo-Confederate era from 1969 to today when these racists jumped to the Republican Party in an attempt to extend white supremacy behind various code words and subterfuges.

It seems so obvious - and yet it's almost never discussed in society at pretty much any and every level.

Also note the connection between the American Right and the Global Confederation - the connection between the political ideology and the need to control resources to benefit the few were long established here -

"Because of political mistakes by the Federalists and Jefferson’s success in portraying himself as an advocate of simple farmers (when he was really the avatar for the plantation owners), Jefferson and his Democratic-Republicans prevailed in the election of 1800, clearing the way for a more constrained interpretation of the Constitution and a 24-year Virginia Dynasty over the White House with Jefferson, Madison and James Monroe, all slaveholders.

By the time the Virginia Dynasty ended, slavery had spread to newer states to the west and was more deeply entrenched than ever before. Indeed, not only was Virginia’s agriculture tied to the institution of slavery but after the Constitution banned the importation of slaves in 1808, Virginia developed a new industry, the breeding of slaves for sale to new states in the west."


Captured assholery on camera

Yes these smokers are in the bus depot polluting the air for everyone else. Against some ordinance I'm sure.

On the other hand, gotta love technology ... when it works.


Go Senator Merkley!

Let's not let this die in some committee consisting of senators bought and owned by Monsanto -


"The House Republican’s government funding bill, which passed in the House last week, contains a three-month extension of the Monsanto Protection Act, which shields companies like Monsanto and Dow Chemical from legal action resulting from Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) crops. The Act also places the authority of whether or not GMO crops can be grown and sold domestically into the hands of Federal Department of Agriculture rather than with the courts or public referendum. The Democratically-controlled Senate is making no plans to work to keep the rider active beyond its current expiration date."

Quote of the day - 09-25-2013.

"Only the collective ability to understand and act as a whole will save the planet and our species from our own eventual extinction."

That's my response to below ...

Context - From this marketing for Psychological Medicine study masquerading as an AP news story ...


"The study, published in the October issue of Psychological Medicine but online now, followed more than 8,000 people in rural and urban areas in seven countries for one year. During the research, they were each examined at six- and 12-month intervals.

In those time frames, 10.3 per cent of religious participants became depressed, compared with 7.0 per cent for atheists and 10.5 per cent for those with a "spiritual understanding of life," the study found. "

I tend to think regardless of what they may believe happens after death - people are discovering that their beliefs won't really help them in this life - or future generations for that matter. I think what we're ultimately seeing is a very human and emotional reaction to the looming economic and ecological disaster global warming will bring; and it's slowly but surely being felt in peoples' lives.

And, the realization that their belief system doesn't provide any real answer for it.


Seriously - someone finally articulates what's wrong with Microsoft's 'device and services' mantra.

No, not exactly the author of this article, but rather a commenter named 'danbi'  -

"The current computing trend is all data centered and this is why it is so successful with users."


Another mobile post test

Let us see if this works.

If this is Canada's Hurricane Katrina ...

... then does this make Calgary Canada's New Orleans?


"The Insurance Bureau of Canada says the June flood in southern Alberta is the costliest natural disaster in Canadian history.
The bureau says the latest estimate of the insured property damage now exceeds $1.7 billion."


The follies of believing repeated falsehoods - are delusion, poor decisions, and eventually death.


"Yet that is not and never was the actual history. When the First Congress passed the Second Amendment in 1789, the goal was to promote state militias for the maintenance of order in a time of political violence, potential slave revolts and simmering hostilities with both European powers and Native Americans on the frontiers.

The amendment was never intended as a blank check for some unstable person to massacre fellow Americans. Indeed, it defined its purpose as achieving “security” against disruptions to the country’s new republican form of government. The Second Amendment read:

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” In other words, if read in context, you would see that the Second Amendment was enacted so each state would have the specific right to form “a well-regulated militia” to maintain “security,” i.e. to put down armed disorder."

Excellent article debunking the lies told by the American Right about the 2nd Amendment. Buried within the article is a nice link to a list of misquotes by said Right -


In the face of gun violence tragedies like the ones that have taken place over the last few months, I believe looking back to learn where things went awry is the first step to understanding how to

1) Derive ways to clean up the current mess
2) Find ways to avoid making the same mistakes over again

The question American society has to ask themselves is - are they going to continually allow themselves to be bombarded by the Global Establishment's message about how it's just business as usual ...


Or perhaps collectively society might wake up and see the false narrative that's been created around them largely for the benefit of said Establishment; and subsequently do something different to improve their lives?


Another Android post test

The last post was simply finishing something I had already started. This is a new post altogether.

USA: Democracy or Republic?

This post got me wondering -

What is the true definition of United States of America:  Democracy or Republic?


So far I've not found a very good answer.

This makes things more confusing -



So who wants WA State's I-522 initiative on labeling foods that have GMO ingredients defeated?


Grocery Manufacturers Association*MonsantoDuPont PioneerBayer CropscienceDow Agrosciences LLC2,222,500591,6543,420,1594,800,000
*The Grocery Manufacturers Association includes these Companies: Safeway (O Organics), Starbucks, Target, Con-Agra (Alexia, Hunt's Organic and Natural Brands, Lightlife, Orville Redenbacher's Organic), Kellogg's (Kashi, Bear Naked, Gardenburger, Morningstar Farms), Unilever (Ben & Jerry's), Kraft (Boca Burgers), General Mills (Cascadian Farm, Larabar, Muir Glen), Hershey's (Dagoba,) Coca-Cola (Honest Tea, Odwalla), Dean Foods (Horizon Organic, Silk, White Wave), Pepsico (Naked Juice, Tostito's Organic, Tropicana Organic), Smucker's (R.W. Knudsen).


I don't feel like eating shit ... do you?

Evidently in the US of A, we all are ...


"The program, known as the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point-Based Inspection Models Project - or HIMP - has been in place since the late 1990s and its expansion would replace almost half the USDA Food Safety Service inspectors in industrial meat plants with inspectors employed by those very same companies. It would reportedly speed up production lines by as much as 20 percent.

But a recent article in The Washington Post, reports that three out of the five pilot HIMP plants were among the 10 worst health and safety violators in the country, according to a spring report by the USDA inspector general.

"The USDA all along has been saying that these pilots will prove that removing government inspectors and turning over [their] the responsibilities to the company employees will enhance food safety when, in essence, the exact opposite has occurred," said Tony Corbo, who directs the food program at nonprofit Food & Water Watch."

Nice work Truthout!


Stop listening to those who push the 'orgy of excess' - start listening to people who learn by observing studying facts.



" "Scientists are fighting deniers with irrefutable proof the planet is headed for catastrophe."  At the forefront of the counterattack against the false assertions of the massive industry-based campaign to deny the self-destruction of our planet is a body called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

The IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report [to be released on September 27] offers slam-dunk evidence that burning fossil fuels is the cause of most of the temperature increases of recent decades, and warn that sea levels could rise by almost three feet by the end of the century if we don't change our ways. The report will underscore that the basic facts about climate change are more established than ever, and that the consequences of escalating carbon pollution are likely to mean that, as The New York Times recently argued, "babies being born now could live to see the early stages of a global calamity.""


Poor Compulsive Hoarder


I would not say I have all the symptoms, but it's pretty clear to me some of there are there. Add to the fact that I'm going to be poor for at least the next little while (i.e. part of the 99%) and you pretty much describe me.

If I were rich you could say I have mild case of gear acquisition syndrome (Google claims in my search these two are related, but I disagree; being poor is the distinctive difference).


I've always wondered why a Canadian team hasn't won the Stanley Cup in over 20 years?

Turns out Nate Silver has the answer - the teams in the major metropolitan areas haven't had a strong incentive to really produce a winner, since their measure of success is really profit. This is no surprise since most if not all sports teams are owned by corporations whose goals pretty much revolve around profit.

I like this idea of having 2-3 Toronto teams, a second Montreal team, and another in the Pacific Northwest -

(Source: http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/31/why-cant-canada-win-the-stanley-cup/?_r=0)

Canada really a happy place?


I never really thought of it much. I definitely think life was certainly less stressful when I lived in Canada. But back then I was younger and had only myself to be responsible for.

Not sure how that'd work today.

On a related note, I wouldn't mind living in some of those other countries - Denmark, Norway, Switzerland,  Netherlands, or Sweden. Not sure about Finland or Iceland, but Austria or Australia sound good.

Curious - no countries in the top 10 from Asia, Africa or South America.


Why does American society force kids to recite the Pledge of Allegiance?


We don't force corporations to incorporate it into their mission statements.

We don't force adults to recite it at work.

Why do we force kids to then?


Overcoming 'Overburden'.

Read it - http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/09/04

It's a damn good start. Right now dealing with global warming is our biggest challenge facing us all.

The first step is overcoming the right-wing/corporate establishment that opposes any change to the economic system that allows them to flourish and destroy us further.


Always several steps behind.

Why is it I'm shocked, but not surprised by this?


"There are at least 12 significant feedbacks that will have a substantial effect on the rate and pace of warming. Yet feedbacks are often too complex to fully characterize, let alone model.  Yet their effects are serious.  For example just 3 of these feedbacks could add as much as 4.5 degrees to the warming forecasts for 2100.

The first is a result of decreases  in sulfur aerosols from phytoplankton, as the seas become more acidic and these critters begin to die off.  Sulfur aerosols are known to moderate solar gain and mitigate global warming.  This could increase warming by close to 1F by 2100.

Extreme weather events could add another 1.5 F since they effect the Earth’s ability to sequester human emissions and in some cases increase those emissions directly.Add these to the 2 F expected from methane releases – a conservative number if one compares the results of similar events in the geologic record – and these 3 feedbacks alone could add 4.5 F to our worst-case projections for 2100.

And of course, warming doesn’t simply stop in 2100, merely because we stop modeling beyond that.  It continues and accelerates, and, unchecked, becomes self-reinforcing and irreversible.  We’re already locked into thousands of years of sea level rise from the carbon we’ve put into the system to date. "