
RIP Nichelle Nichols.

One of my first TV crushes.

She created one of the sexiest, hottest (and ground-breaking) characters in television. No man could resist that face and body.


Another vacation over.

Work seems to go on forever.

Vacations seems to be done in the blink of an eye.


Crapitalist kayfabe in media - > A piece of advice to those who wish to better understand why the United States is in the shitty state it's in.

Recognize that the United States isn't a democracy, and never was to begin with. 

It's a capitalist system that requires the illusion of democracy in order to function. I've discussed this before here.

But more importantly watch out for those in media who try to claim that these two 'major political party' brands are somehow actual independent entities who some how are against each other, like two sports teams.

They are not.  In fact these brands have so much in common, that they actually work together to stop any actual (i.e. new)  political party from coming into existence an actually offering voters and alternative.

But coming back to my original point -  anyone who pretends like 'Democrat' and 'Republican' are somehow opponents are fooling you.

Don't be fooled.

'Democrat' and 'Republican' are more like 'babyface' and 'heel' (or the other way around; which is part of the point)  as in pro wrestling, and those that act as if they are real are essentially maintaining kayfabe.

So watch out for those who are as serious about Biden and Trump running for PUSA, as the late Gene Okerlund was about Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior 'competing' for 'championships belts' in Wrestlemania VI.

Both were (and are) staged - 'Democrat'  and 'Republican' are paid by the same group of corporations in exactly the same way Terry Bollea and Jim Hellwig were paid to portray characters and dance around in the 'squared circle' by Vince McMahon in a pay-per-view program.

The point being - it doesn't really matter which 'side'  you cheer for. Either way, we all lose.


And speaking of a lack of substantial action - don't go celebrating that US Congress Climate Deal.



As part of the agreement, Democratic leaders — including Schumer and President Joe Biden — agreed to reform the regulatory process for pipelines and other fossil fuel infrastructure in the coming months, a victory for Manchin and his industry backers.

Such reforms could clear the way for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, a fracked gas project in West Virginia and Virginia that, if completed, would spew 89,526,651 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere each year.


Lotsa burn and churn. No action though.


Hard to really gleam anything positive from this.


Another month - another vacation.

Not that I am doing a lot.
More staying at home.
More recording music.

Though CV jr's 5th birthday is this coming week. Looking forward to that.


In Canada, establishment media isn't that much different than its American counterparts.

Case in point - the smears that they try to dunk on Eva Bartlett.


I mean seriously, when a country puts you on a 'kill list' and your own government-funded corporate-controlled stenography tries to convince you and your fellow citizens that said list doesn't really exist with you on it, that would make anyone a little wary, do you think?

A fantastic commentary on not only the US capitalist system's constant attack on Nicaragua , but also what holidays actually can really mean.


Holidays should (and are in Nicaragua) are a celebration of something meaningful; as opposed to a glorification of militarism, racism, and endless consumerism, like exists in the United States.

All of which is really just a deflection from looking at the real horrible abuses the US capitalist system truly inflicts on the citizenry with its denial of basic human rights - like health care.


To be heard. To be listened to. To be understood. To be accepted.

I seem to run into this a lot.

I'll be in a meeting w/a group of people, and we could be discussing an issue.
I'll mention something, and it either gets ignored or disregarded. A few minutes later, someone else will
say either the very same I said or some variation, and everyone will fight over who gets to celebrate
this person and their idea.

I always think to myself - why is this?

I mean I don't claim to be the smartest or most knowledgeable person in any given situation. I do try and be honest
when sharing what I know. And it's often the case that I learn more by listening, rather than just talking.

But it's not as if I'm a complete idiot. And I get that often times I don't have a good answer or the right answer
to solve a given problem.

So I wonder in such situations where it seems like I do, why is it no one appears to be listening.

5 possibilities

1) Too much wax in their ears such that they couldn't hear what I said (or a bad connection).
2) Not listening because they are incapable of maintaining a longer attention span.
3) Didn't comprehend what I said.
4) Didn't accept what I said.
5) Some combination of the other 4 possibilities above.


The legacy of Jayland Walker's killing.


The struggle is one for change, but that can’t happen if police killings are viewed as aberrations instead of as features that the system needs in order to operate. Protesting for Jayland Walker cannot be about police abolition either. Abolition of the entire system must be on the agenda. That demand is a very tall order and that is why it must be studied now before amnesia takes over once again.