About Me

My goal in life is to make every day a Saturday.
Too many years working in Enterprise-size corporations in Information Technology departments has convinced me that there is no such thing as deity and never was to begin with.

We are human and not infallible. 

Corporations are like software - they can be large and all encompassing and controlling, but they are not alive; they don't think. They don't care.

The problem with them (along with other non-human entities like government, military, etc.) is that when a segment of the population either though money or political power takes control of enough of them to further their own interests at the expense of everyone else - that ends up fucking up the entire world. That is, it really makes us all blind to some of the problems facing us all - an example would be global warming. In effect, they offer nothing but bullshit that sidetracks life.

I don't believe in karma either - to me that's an agnostic person's belief in deity. To each their own. There are a lot of morons and self-centered people. Some people think they are beyond human. Other tend to think of people not like them as less than human. More like delusional.

My goal in life is to not be one of them.
For years, I used to think that success is what to aim for to achieve happiness.

Time is not infinite for any of us. One only gets one chance in that moment, and then it's gone. You never get that moment back.

So I have shifted my focus to aiming for happiness, and let success be the by-product.

That is, focus on doing right, being honest; and always be open to learning.

Many things in life involve thinking about choices, making decisions and taking action. And, living with the consequences.

The key I think, is to find a way to navigate both around the bullshit, live with those decisions, and find happiness in this life - be that through myself, my decisions, and other people and things.

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