
America Inc. - redux.

The commenter sums it up pretty well -

"If these crooks turn out to be at fault for the rig explosion and they don't go down for it - well - that's final definitive proof that no longer live in a democracy but in a corporately-owned criminal state. (Think post-Soviet Russia, but with shopping malls.) "


The sad thing is though - if proven correct - it would be definitive proof about something that has been going on in the United States of American for far too long. I seriously wonder if the damage can be repaired.


Seattle Police and Faux News ... a marriage made in racism and cover-up.


And some still wonder why non-white people in this country have a distrust of law enforcement officers?

And some still wonder why people in this country have a distrust of any large entertainment corporation masqerading as a news outlet?

It could be that there is no accountabilty in the Seattle Police Department for doing things like harrasing people simply based on the color of their skin.

It could be that there is no accountability in Faux News for covering up for the police, as to not disrupt their television program.