
That mucky feeling.

As some may have guessed, I was born in Canada, specifically Quebec.

Because I was neither white, nor French -> When I was a child, I learned very early those two things put a couple of strikes against one self when compared to others.

The feeling I always hated was either being in a line waiting for something, and watching every kid in line or around me getting something, while I didn't. It wasn't impatience or that I felt I was better than everyone. Rather, something would inevitably happen such that I'd have to wait because something went wrong, and I had to wait, or I wasn't allowed, or I didn't earn what everyone else had.

It only increased the feeling of isolation and derision I felt. Maybe I was too sensitive, or perhaps I over-react, but even today, I get that feeling if I'm in a line, or waiting for something, or watching others around me achieve something or succeed - that feeling of being denied something, or not allowed to obtain something earned.

More to follow tomorrow when I'm more coherent.

Happy National Whistleblower Appreciation Day!

Despite all the apparent contradictions.

More evidence that the establishment cares only about itself and not you?

The establishment's two brands (Democrat and Republican) joined together on this one - don't you just love bi-partisanship?

Here's one of the best parts -

Gargantuan the 2021 NDAA undeniably is. At the same time, the $740.5 billion figure is misleadingly low. Richard Escow points out (Counterpunch, July 7, 2020) that each year’s NDAA excludes the intelligence budget, the Department of Homeland Security budget, and a healthy chunk of the Department of Energy budget devoted to nuclear weapons.


I was contacted by MoveOn.org to support Joe Biden.

This is what I told them -

Will I support a man -

  • with declined mental health faculties
  • won't support a single-payer health care system, in the middle of a pandemic
  • has sexual harassment allegations against them
  • is in the pocket of the military industrial complex, Wall Street, and other corporate interests
  • refuses to do anything meaningful about Global Warming
  • supports endless wars
  • has a history filled with racism
  • and is a confirmed pathological liar?
I will not vote for Biden or Trump - as I am essentially describing both of them.


The End of the Megamachine - a book reading?

Sounds like it.

Hmm what a surprise about working from home.

The problem -- and for some bosses, great delight -- of modern technology is that it makes you believe employees are available any time, any place, anywhere. And really, how many humans are at their best earlier than they're used to or later than they'd prefer to?

I don't have an issue with technology. I think it's great. My issue is always been two-fold -

  1. Getting so enamoured with it such that it takes over one's life.
  2. Having others misuse it to cause issues in one's life.