
United States, Inc.


This says it all -

"Bizarrely, the Supreme Court has decided that corporations are "persons", so they have the "right" to speak during elections. But corporations are not people. Should they have the right to bear arms, or to vote? It would make as much sense. They are a legal fiction, invented by the state - and they can be fairly regulated to stop them devouring their creator. This is the same Supreme Court that ruled that the detainees at Guantanomo Bay are not "persons" under the constitution and are deserving of basic protections. A court that says a living breathing human is less of a "person" than Lockheed Martin has gone badly awry."

It's never a good sign for a republic, a democracy, or frankly any system of government representing people, when non-individuals are elevated to a status of right above actual living individual human beings.

Those were the days

It's really (or would be really) funny to think how much life has changed in this country over the course of a few years.

A few years ago, decisions me and the Mrs. made involved things like where to go to dinner, what time should we end up going to bed, what movie to check out, what show to go see. For myself, which guitar to use on which track, which gig to accept in the band, when are me and my songwriting partner going to meet up on that next track, macaroni or spaghetti to go with meat sauce, etc....

It's really hard to believe how truly far away from that we are now.

Nowadays, everything is a battle for the dollar. I think about it constantly. Having so many mouths to feed makes one really think about where and what we spend things on. It seems like our ability to get ahead has completely stopped, and we're now simply fighting to stay afloat in a pool of potential disaster.

This wasn't how it was supposed to be.

The Mrs. does her part. She's become a fabulous baker. I seriously cannot envision eating bread, rolls, or buns from a store ever again. She's found that sweet spot in baking in creating things that both taste good and are pretty healthy. And she's a good Mom to our kids. They certainly try her patience (they certainly try mine), but I think all in all it's worked out well.

But I know in a sense, not moving up in my job has hurt us in so many ways. With food, gasoline, health insurance so much more expensive now, plus two growing children, it's no wonder we're stretched.

I also know, not finding or making the time to pursue my ideas, my music and my goals, has hurt us as well. It all comes back to that need to pursue happiness I guess. One can get lost in all the minutia of everyday life, only to forget the bigger picture.

Still I realize it's not so bad. It could always be worse. We could be on the streets, or I could be struggling to find a job, or one of us could be really sick. Perhaps it's just fate that we've made it out this far.