
Idiots who blab in a middle of a walkway

Ask yourself this question.


If you are driving your car on the highway, have you ever stopped in the middle of the road, gotten out of your car, and started having a conversation with some person on the other side of the road?


I figure that's a no for pretty much everyone. Why?


Because that would be very stupid and dangerous to yourself, and everyone around you.


So knowing this, why is it people act the same way when walking or in an office?


I was heading from my office to the restroom (brushing my teeth), when I saw this man and woman standing right in in the walkway. They were having a conversation, and people were having to walk around them - including myself. There was plenty of room off to the side and hey, even a bench to sit on! Maybe it's just me, but if you are going to have a conversation with someone in an office, go to a lounge, conference room, or even one's own office ...


But no. Not these two.


They were still standing bloviating about some banality, even when I was heading back to my office.


Are people really that dense or self-absorbed? Maybe it's both?


It's times like this I wish I had a camera on my cell phone. Though I'm not sure the legality of posting pictures of stupidity (maybe I can blur the faces, but that would defeat the point).


It should hurt when people do stupid things. Perhaps then, they'll think twice about doing it again.


PREDICTION: The news cycle for Monday, Nov. 6th, 2006

The delivery of the verdict in Saddam Hussein’s trial, originally set for October 16th, has been postponed… until the Sunday before the vote on Tuesday, November 7th.

So, expect that on Monday, November 6th, the day before the 2006 US Congressional elections, the news will be filled with reports about the conviction of Saddam Hussein.

Only a complete idiot would believe this is just a mere coincidence.

The thing is, with more than 100 American Soldier deaths in October alone, I don't think this that much effect. The GOP is sure desperate though.

I get tired of seeing broadcast news pander to such right-wing manufactured stories. What's even sadder is that this is very obviously predictable, yet somehow, I expect this to be breaking news on ABC, NBC, CBS, etc.

(thanks to Bob Harris, courtesy of This Modern World.)

Saddam Hussein and his officials must be made to answer for their crimes, but frankly I'd rather see him tried under a real Iraqi court of law, as opposed to this Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal, which is in reality funded by the US Government.

" ... the US occupation authority created the precursor to SICT, wrote its initial statutes and selected the chief investigative judge and four other judges to preside over the trial. The Bush administration decided to exclude the UN from any role in the Hussein trial in order to guarantee the tightest possible control over the proceedings.

The case against Hussein and other Baathists has been prepared from the beginning by a liaison office made up of lawyers and advisors from the US, Britain and Australia—all countries whose governments were behind the the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq."

“the liaison office has been the real power behind the tribunal, advising, and often deciding, on almost every facet of its work, always behind a shield of anonymity”. The SICT’s activities are funded by $138 million from Washington. " (1)

P.S. - I'm still waiting for Osama Bin Laden to make his next coincidental appearance, just like the previous election.

(1) - http://www.countercurrents.org/iraq-cogan201005.htm 




Right-wingers at it again ... Willful Deception.

So the folks at Disney studios are putting out planned docudrama about the events of 9/11/2001. Why am I not surprised that this event blames the Clinton administration for 9/11 and pretty much lets the current adminstration off the hook on the worst national security failure ever on American soil?


So much so, that one of the FBI agents quit working on it as a consultant because he thought they were making things up.


How convenient this comes out, just before the 5-year anniversary of this right-wing government's most monumental failure, and just before what is sure to be a very hotly contested 2006 mid-term Congressional Elections.


Matt Stoller over at MyDD has been tracking how Digby's been doing stellar work on Disney's ties to the right-wing.  


And then there's the folks over at Scholastic.


People should be mindful of these powerful corporations who fall into bed with the right-wing. They make tons of money today on the events of the past, to control how we all think tomorrow.



(image below from Atrios)




Nursery finally done

I've uploaded the pictures from our baby blog.


We'll upload more as they arrive.


Tax Season

Well today's the day we finally got it done. Oddly enough it didn't seem to take that long. I guess the big hurdle was just starting it.


My wife and I are very similar in that regard - usually we're both pretty good in getting things done once they are started.


I'm sure though as the years progress, things will get more complicated. But for now, I'm breatihng a sigh of relief.


Painting a room

So my hands and arms are sore from painting. I haven't painted a room in probably 15 years. It's amazing how much I've forgotten. I'm not sure what's more annoying, the setup, the actual work, or the cleanup.


My sister-in-law (who I give a big thanks to for helping out) believes it's the latter item.


One thing I learned the hard way about painting walls is to be sure you get a good coat down the first time, and don't go wait too long to try and touch it up. Otherwise the previous works starts to come off.


Anyways, we did the ceiling and first coat on the walls. We left the room papered and taped down. This is because I'll have to do the 2nd coat sometime next week. I am defintely NOT going to re-paint the ceiling.


Once we set up all the furniture and stuff, I should have some photos handy.


My crappy week ...

... actually started Sunday night, though I didn't realize it at the time.


I went to bed with a strange hacking cough I seemed to pick up on the way home from Covington, WA (band practice). I thought nothing of it.


I woke up Monday, and felt REALLY cold. Again, I reasoned, a run on the cardio machine, build a good sweat, etc, and I'd be fine.


Then at about 10, the aches started with my head, then neck, then back, then knees, then the hips. I thought I was falling apart. This was not normal. My throat suddenly seemed like it was on fire.


I went home and collasped into bed, and was not able to get out for the next couple of days. To make matters worse, I couldn't really even sleep. My joints hurt so much, I simply couldn't get into any comfortable position for more than 30 minutes. And if I did, it would be interrupted by coughing, and sudden chills.


Monday night/Tuesday AM were the worst - I'd now break out into a random sweat. I swore I saw steam running of my head! I was running a pretty high fever.


Finally on Wednesday, I was stable enough to walk (the fever seemed to break), and see the doctor. Turns out I had some bacterial infection. I was perscribed some anti-biotics, and some regular flu stuff to treat the remaining symptoms.


Of course, in all that time, it's no shock, that the Mrs. ended up getting it too. She's about a day behind.


I tried going to work today, but after an hour of sitting, I felt the aches in my calves and neck. Plus that damn cough doesn't want to leave! I'm hoping I'm through the worst of it by now.


What's really odd is ...


The last time I was really this sick, where I missed so much time from something, was - quite literally- 20 years ago! That's right - I recall missing the last week of January/1986 over what seems to be a very similar set of circumstances.


Hey - I never claimed my memory was good, perhaps this was my body's way to commemorate. One would think I'd be stronger now, as I get older ... either that or bacterial infections are far more dangerous today.


Time will tell what the last week of January/2026 will bring ...


The Canadian election. Why a move to the right ... ?

I won't delve down into a really big analysis. But in a nutshell, here are my thoughts on what happened, and why the current party (Liberals) were voted out.


Because the Liberal Party's mess with the whole sponsorship scandal, I think the majority of Canadians didn't think there were any other viable options in this election. While they have some good ideas, the New Democratic Party has never been able to really reach out to folks on a national level, largely due to poor leadership and lack of substance. The Bloq is a non-option, and useless. They don't even care about their own cause (Quebec separation), all they do is suck up federal tax dollars by being in Ottawa.


Interesting how after the results, Duceppe (Bloq leader) made all sort of gestures to work with Harper (PM-elect). Funny how history repeats itself but in reverse ...


I think it's what Canadians want for now (i.e. a minority government) Until the Liberal Party gets their house in order (i.e. get rid of the corruption that comes with running the country for more than 12 years), and elect a leader that can infuse new blood, we won't see them in power any time soon.


Some of the former premiers look like fairly good options (McKenna, or Tobin). Rock or Dion are other choices.  I think Manley is a bit too old and tied in too much with the party power structure to really be effective.