
2023: End Of Year Thoughts.


What a fucked up year. Certainly a lot of ups and downs. I think more downs than ups, but then again I am usually somewhat more pessimistic towards the end of the year.


I won't get into much about politics because this is the year where I really feel like the human race has entered a point of no return regarding climate change. Indeed I think the more appropriate term to use now is 'climate disaster' now, as once some turning points begin to unfold, we're really at a point where things will not return to as they were.

It's actually a really depressing thing - but one with which I've had some time to let set in, and as well realize that even aside from that, I still have much to give, and we as a human race still need to survive and thrive. 

As well, I'm not very hopeful about the upcoming 2024 United States Presidential Election. I don't believe whomever is declared the 'winner' will be much of anything to celebrate. 

Because US Capitalism isn't a democracy at all, I'm under no illusions that the 'elections' would be any real contest of sorts. The 1% that control US capitalism will do their usual efforts to ensure it will be a '2-way confrontation' in which they control both 'sides' (hence US capitalism is not a democracy, but rather the theater or illusion if democracy). But enough people out there who really believe that 'Democrat' and 'Republican' mean anything other than babyface or heel (or heel and babyface; that it makes no difference is the point) - are the ones that are really condemning us all to failure. The bottom line for me is that capitalism is incapable of addressing or solving the very problems it creates - like climate change. Unless the vast majority of people around the world collectively rise up against the rich and powerful and take over the means of production and resource distribution such that it's actually done democratically - nothing will change for the better.


A mixed bag here. On the one hand, I elected to write a release of 10 songs based on a book I read. And I actually succeeded in writing the songs. The goal in 2024 will be to record them and hopefully get them out before the middle of the year. More to follow on that soon. For the first time, I paced myself and set both weekly and monthly goals. Naturally I got lazy at times, but managed to complete the work in the end. I always remind myself that when I'm really focused and dedicated, I can get practically anything done.

I did manage to complete writing a few other songs as well. No shortage of ideas either. And, in a strange twist, material that I thought I'd lost in 2021, turns out was magically on the computer hard drive all along. You can bet I made a copy of that and placed it on another drive for safe-keeping.

On the other hand, I didn't make much progress in terms of recording. Nor did my band either. It was another year of downs there. Sure I did get a real drum kit, and we start some recording. Some of the results were okay. I think though a lot of it I find frustrating. I feel at times like I want things to move faster, and want others involved to be more focused as well. But you can only ask so much from others.

Additionally, I feel like things get bogged down on details that that seem small to some, but are critical for me. For example, I'm of the opinion that when recording in the digital space, you should always have a click track in the background to keep everyone in time. Seems reasonable, but you'd be surprised how much wasted recording time, energy and effort was spent when this wasn't done. At times like this I feel very powerless. But it's part of the process of working with others - everyone has to learn and come into their own in their own time - and I have to accept that in the same way others do so for me.


More of the same, and end-results just as lame. Of course my boss got a promotion and is highly regarded now. It's funny how I've been on this team for four years now, and everyone on our team has either been hired new, or promoted upwards except for yours truly. It's a grim reminder that it's a game, and that I intentionally handicap myself because I refuse to suck up and tow the corporate lines. And because those in authority around me do, hence that's why they are where they are. My only motivation for more money is to take care of my family - or so I tell myself. But it's actually more than that. If one has been in a vocation long enough - and are good at what they do - it's only natural to want to be both recognized and acknowledged as such by the powers above (that thing called respect). But I have to remind myself that working in a corporate environment isn't a meritocracy, and that people who typically are above you are there because they choose to go along with what the owners/executives want. I do have one thing going for me.

Now that our group is entering a new multi-year project, that very same 'towing a line' attitude the 'leadership' espouses is the very thing that will trip things up. Knowing this gives me some advantage, in that understanding this rationally - and using my critical thinking skills wisely and honestly - can help not only steer the project away from harm, but help me in the process. We'll see.

I did get my certifications from the prior year upgraded. And as far as work goes, I'm pretty much at the top of my game in terms of knowledge and skill (my secret is Free cell).

But back to my motivation, I have to push for more money. For the first time in a long time, I really got to see the higher cost of things really hit our bottom line. Put simply, everything is much more expensive now, and that would normally mean cutting back on things, right? 

I did do one thing that was new. Because I work for a retail company as a support employer, I've never seen or experienced how the retail employees really do their work, and how much is really involved. Towards the end of the year, I finally bit the bullet and volunteered to perform a shift at my local retail location. It wasn't much for sure - I spent most of my time filling ice, emptying trash bins, refilling cups, wiping down tables, moping and brooming, and cleaning windows. But just being part of that and watching a crew working together and cohesively was eye-opening to say the least. And everyone I worked with was very open and easy to be around - they were very gracious. It certainly made me feel like my limited work was contributing in some small way. I hope to do more shifts in the near year.


Well I got laid more often. Though it certainly wasn't because the Mrs finds me any more appealing than before. It happened because I wanted it and well - figuratively and literally - pushed my way through.

Oddly enough, despite the messed up family dynamics aside - we actually got a lot done. Kids are getting through school, and we made some trips to some of the normal places we go do, plus a couple of additional trips as well. But in the case of the latter, it wasn't exactly by choice.

I'll get into that more in a future post. But for now, let's just say that due to some family issues, some trips were needed and that ended up costing us. My bonus from last year got used up pretty fast when you factor in plane trips, car and shuttle rentals, meals, mortgages, clothes, etc.


The ongoing neck issues were finally diagnosed as 'Cervical spondylosis' (neck arthritis). Yay me. After all the drama surrounding tests, treatments, issues regarding the digestive system, my heart, etc., it's good to know that I'm not gonna die anytime soon. It means lots of physical therapy, changes in diet, and more exercise. Which is all good and fine - let's just hope it can all be done.

I mean I've finally had to come to terms with the fact that I'm never going to look as I did before. I'm not the young person I once was - with a full head of hair and massive chest and legs, but I finally found a way to accept who I am. I did this by simply no longer caring about what other people think of me.

That all being said, I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I still wear the same size pants I wore back in high school, and all my clothes have fit me for the past 20 years. Indeed I had to wear a suit for the first time in 13 years, and pulled it off without any issues.

Conclusion and next steps

  • Begin recording drum parts for the 10 songs I wrote in 2023.
  • Contact a potential recording/audio engineer to help expedite the process.
  • Work to identify potential musicians who could assist.
  • Continue pushing my band to record its songs.
  • Stay at pace for writing another release of 10 songs - the goal is to complete writing at least one song per month.
  • Stay focused on my goals at work, and focus no longer on others and how well they do, and more on ensuring my goals and work is done to my very best and honestly.
  • Get my health in order and get back to being physically more fit.


Three things I've learned in my many years in IT.

And I think this applies to pretty much any vocation -

Three things you need in order to survive or even flourish in any vocation.

1. Being able to meet deadlines and follow through on commitments. No one can trust a flake or someone who isn't reliable.

2. Being able to interact and communicate with others in the environment. No matter how much knowledge you have, no one will work with you if you think the world revolves around you, or you lack the patience to listen to others.

3. Handing adverse and unknown situations while maintaining composure. No one will want to work with someone who loses their shit when under pressure.


Well back from our trip.

More to follow on that later.

But right now not really going much of anywhere.

Landed 30+ minutes, and still no gate.

Just like a few weeks ago.


Anything interesting on scheerpost.com?

Couple of things that caught my attention.


Chris Hedges: The Death of Israel

Settler colonial states have a terminal shelf life. Israel is no exception. 

Resolution in US Congress Calls for End to Assange Case as Extradition Nears




A painful and visible aspect of life is approaching.

And to no surprise, I'm not ready for it.

I'll write more about this later, but for now, I've got some family affairs to take care of, and they involve travel and all that.


No this wasn't a technical glitch.


I couldn't otherwise give a fuck about the Toronto Sun, but they are the only people who've so far aired this.

No not technical issues, but ethical issues. Someone brave was able to get this out on the air.

They are apologizing for exposing a religious fallacy with the bitter horrific reality.

And yet ANOTHER reminder that the United States is a capitalist system, not a democracy.


Let's be clear - the United States was founded on the principals of white supremacy, class and patriarchy.

In order to count you needed to be 3 things.

  • white
  •  rich 
  •  a man

If you weren't 3 of those things, you counted for nothing.

The only thing that has changed today, is that instead of rich white male slaveowners, those doing the oppressing are now large corporations.


Is Testing Bouncing?


Bouncing - yes.

But to where - that remains to be seen. 

Part of the reason (I saw at least) for the transition of software testers from '2nd-class employees' to 'consultants' and 'contractors' was this mindset.

All of this before, many technology companies (like Microsoft) chose to eliminate the role altogether. 

Testing was (no really, is still) seen as a cost or necessary evil - one that many companies felt they can either do away with, or have someone else do, or 'automate'.


Quote of the day - 12-05-2023.

Lawrence Davidson -

“As a general principle, it is the tactics of the oppressor that creates the context for the tactics of the oppressed.”

Which could also illustrates how capitalism operates -

“As a general principle, it is the tactics of the employer that creates the context for the tactics of the employees.”


RIP Myles Goodwyn.

The voice of Canadian Rock.

April Wine was the stuff of legends.

Thank you Myles for all the great songs, guitar, and singing. April Wine's work will live on.