
A group of people I certainly won't trust, much less ever vote for.

They voted to extend NSA spying and reject privacy reforms. Including the so-called Democratic Party 'leadership'.

    1. Ralph Lee Abraham (LA-5th)
    2. Robert B. Aderholt (AL-4th)
    3. Pete Aguilar (CA-31st)
    4. Rick W. Allen (GA-12th)
    5. Mark E. Amodei (NV-2d)
    6. Jodey C. Arrington (TX-19th)
    7. Don Bacon (NE-2d)
    8. Jim Banks (IN-3d)
    9. Lou Barletta (PA-11th)
    10. Andy Barr (KY-6th)
    11. Ami Bera (CA-7th)
    12. Jack Bergman (MI-1st)
    13. Gus M. Bilirakis (FL-12th)
    14. Mike Bishop (MI-8th)
    15. Sanford D. Bishop (GA-2d)
    16. Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-At Large)
    17. Mike Bost (IL-12th)
    18. Brendan F. Boyle (PA-13th)
    19. Kevin Brady (TX-8th)
    20. Jim Bridenstine (OK-1st)
    21. Mo Brooks (AL-5th)
    22. Susan W. Brooks (IN-5th)
    23. Anthony G. Brown (MD-4th)
    24. Julia Brownley (CA-26th)
    25. Vern Buchanan (FL-16th)
    26. Larry Bucshon (IN-8th)
    27. Cheri Bustos (IL-17th)
    28. Bradley Byrne (AL-1st)
    29. Ken Calvert (CA-42d)
    30. André Carson (IN-7th)
    31. Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-1st)
    32. John R. Carter (TX-31st)
    33. Matt Cartwright (PA-17th)
    34. Kathy Castor (FL-14th)
    35. Steve Chabot (OH-1st)
    36. Liz Cheney (WY-At Large)
    37. James E. Clyburn (SC-6th)
    38. Mike Coffman (CO-6th)
    39. Tom Cole (OK-4th)
    40. Chris Collins (NY-27th)
    41. Doug Collins (GA-9th)
    42. James Comer (KY-1st)
    43. Barbara Comstock (VA-10th)
    44. K. Michael Conaway (TX-11th)
    45. Paul Cook (CA-8th)
    46. Jim Cooper (TN-5th)
    47. Jim Costa (CA-16th)
    48. Ryan A. Costello (PA-6th)
    49. Kevin Cramer (ND-At Large)
    50. Eric A. "Rick" Crawford (AR-1st)
    51. Charlie Crist (FL-13th)
    52. Henry Cuellar (TX-28th)
    53. John Abney Culberson (TX-7th)
    54. Carlos Curbelo (FL-26th)
    55. John R. Curtis (UT-3d)
    56. Rodney Davis (IL-13th)
    57. Val Butler Demings (FL-10th)
    58. Jeff Denham (CA-10th)
    59. Ron DeSantis (FL-6th)
    60. Scott DesJarlais (TN-4th)
    61. Theodore E. Deutch (FL-22d)
    62. Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25th)
    63. Daniel M. Donovan (NY-11th)
    64. Neal P. Dunn (FL-2d)
    65. Ron Estes (KS-4th)
    66. John J. Faso (NY-19th)
    67. Drew Ferguson (GA-3d)
    68. Brian K. Fitzpatrick (PA-8th)
    69. Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann (TN-3d)
    70. Bill Flores (TX-17th)
    71. Jeff Fortenberry (NE-1st)
    72. Bill Foster (IL-11th)
    73. Virginia Foxx (NC-5th)
    74. Lois Frankel (FL-21st)
    75. Rodney P. Frelinghuysen (NJ-11th)
    76. Matt Gaetz (FL-1st)
    77. Mike Gallagher (WI-8th)
    78. John Garamendi (CA-3d)
    79. Greg Gianforte (MT-At Large)
    80. Bob Gibbs (OH-7th)
    81. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5th)
    82. Trey Gowdy (SC-4th)
    83. Kay Granger (TX-12th)
    84. Sam Graves (MO-6th)
    85. Tom Graves (GA-14th)
    86. Glenn Grothman (WI-6th)
    87. Brett Guthrie (KY-2d)
    88. Karen C. Handel (GA-6th)
    89. Vicky Hartzler (MO-4th)
    90. Jody B. Hice (GA-10th)
    91. Brian Higgins (NY-26th)
    92. Clay Higgins (LA-3d)
    93. J. French Hill (AR-2d)
    94. James A. Himes (CT-4th)
    95. George Holding (NC-2d)
    96. Trey Hollingsworth (IN-9th)
    97. Steny H. Hoyer (MD-5th)
    98. Richard Hudson (NC-8th)
    99. Bill Huizenga (MI-2d)
    100. Randy Hultgren (IL-14th)
    101. Duncan Hunter (CA-50th)
    102. Will Hurd (TX-23d)
    103. Darrell E. Issa (CA-49th)
    104. Evan H. Jenkins (WV-3d)
    105. Bill Johnson (OH-6th)
    106. Mike Johnson (LA-4th)
    107. David P. Joyce (OH-14th)
    108. John Katko (NY-24th)
    109. William R. Keating (MA-9th)
    110. Mike Kelly (PA-3d)
    111. Trent Kelly (MS-1st)
    112. Steve King (IA-4th)
    113. Peter T. King (NY-2d)
    114. Adam Kinzinger (IL-16th)
    115. Stephen Knight (CA-25th)
    116. Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL-8th)
    117. Ann M. Kuster (NH-2d)
    118. David Kustoff (TN-8th)
    119. Darin LaHood (IL-18th)
    120. Doug LaMalfa (CA-1st)
    121. Doug Lamborn (CO-5th)
    122. Leonard Lance (NJ-7th)
    123. James R. Langevin (RI-2d)
    124. Robert E. Latta (OH-5th)
    125. Al Lawson (FL-5th)
    126. Daniel Lipinski (IL-3d)
    127. David Loebsack (IA-2d)
    128. Billy Long (MO-7th)
    129. Mia B. Love (UT-4th)
    130. Nita M. Lowey (NY-17th)
    131. Frank D. Lucas (OK-3d)
    132. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-3d)
    133. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-1st)
    134. Thomas MacArthur (NJ-3d)
    135. Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18th)
    136. Kenny Marchant (TX-24th)
    137. Tom Marino (PA-10th)
    138. Roger W. Marshall (KS-1st)
    139. Brian J. Mast (FL-18th)
    140. Kevin McCarthy (CA-23d)
    141. Michael T. McCaul (TX-10th)
    142. Donald McEachin (VA-4th)
    143. David B. McKinley (WV-1st)
    144. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-5th)
    145. Martha McSally (AZ-2d)
    146. Patrick Meehan (PA-7th)
    147. Gregory W. Meeks (NY-5th)
    148. Luke Messer (IN-6th)
    149. Paul Mitchell (MI-10th)
    150. John R. Moolenaar (MI-4th)
    151. Seth Moulton (MA-6th)
    152. Markwayne Mullin (OK-2d)
    153. Stephanie N. Murphy (FL-7th)
    154. Dan Newhouse (WA-4th)
    155. Kristi L. Noem (SD-At Large)
    156. Donald Norcross (NJ-1st)
    157. Devin Nunes (CA-22d)
    158. Tom O'Halleran (AZ-1st)
    159. Pete Olson (TX-22d)
    160. Steven M. Palazzo (MS-4th)
    161. Gary J. Palmer (AL-6th)
    162. Jimmy Panetta (CA-20th)
    163. Erik Paulsen (MN-3d)
    164. Nancy Pelosi (CA-12th)
    165. Ed Perlmutter (CO-7th)
    166. Scott H. Peters (CA-52d)
    167. Collin C. Peterson (MN-7th)
    168. Robert Pittenger (NC-9th)
    169. Bruce Poliquin (ME-2d)
    170. Bill Posey (FL-8th)
    171. Mike Quigley (IL-5th)
    172. John Ratcliffe (TX-4th)
    173. Tom Reed (NY-23d)
    174. James B. Renacci (OH-16th)
    175. Kathleen M. Rice (NY-4th)
    176. Tom Rice (SC-7th)
    177. Martha Roby (AL-2d)
    178. Harold Rogers (KY-5th)
    179. Mike Rogers (AL-3d)
    180. Todd Rokita (IN-4th)
    181. Francis Rooney (FL-19th)
    182. Thomas J. Rooney (FL-17th)
    183. Jacky Rosen (NV-3d)
    184. Peter J. Roskam (IL-6th)
    185. Dennis A. Ross (FL-15th)
    186. Keith J. Rothfus (PA-12th)
    187. David Rouzer (NC-7th)
    188. Raul Ruiz (CA-36th)
    189. Dutch Ruppersberger (MD-2d)
    190. Steve Russell (OK-5th)
    191. John H. Rutherford (FL-4th)
    192. Paul D. Ryan (WI-1st)
    193. Adam B. Schiff (CA-28th)
    194. Bradley Scott Schneider (IL-10th)
    195. David Schweikert (AZ-6th)
    196. Austin Scott (GA-8th)
    197. David Scott (GA-13th)
    198. Pete Sessions (TX-32d)
    199. Terri A. Sewell (AL-7th)
    200. John Shimkus (IL-15th)
    201. Michael K. Simpson (ID-2d)
    202. Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-9th)
    203. Albio Sires (NJ-8th)
    204. Louise McIntosh Slaughter (NY-25th)
    205. Adrian Smith (NE-3d)
    206. Christopher H. Smith (NJ-4th)
    207. Jason Smith (MO-8th)
    208. Lloyd Smucker (PA-16th)
    209. Elise M. Stefanik (NY-21st)
    210. Chris Stewart (UT-2d)
    211. Steve Stivers (OH-15th)
    212. Thomas R. Suozzi (NY-3d)
    213. Eric Swalwell (CA-15th)
    214. Scott Taylor (VA-2d)
    215. Claudia Tenney (NY-22d)
    216. Glenn Thompson (PA-5th)
    217. Mike Thompson (CA-5th)
    218. Mac Thornberry (TX-13th)
    219. Patrick J. Tiberi (OH-12th)
    220. Scott R. Tipton (CO-3d)
    221. Norma J. Torres (CA-35th)
    222. Michael R. Turner (OH-10th)
    223. Fred Upton (MI-6th)
    224. David G. Valadao (CA-21st)
    225. Marc A. Veasey (TX-33d)
    226. Ann Wagner (MO-2d)
    227. Tim Walberg (MI-7th)
    228. Greg Walden (OR-2d)
    229. Mark Walker (NC-6th)
    230. Jackie Walorski (IN-2d)
    231. Mimi Walters (CA-45th)
    232. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23d)
    233. Brad R. Wenstrup (OH-2d)
    234. Bruce Westerman (AR-4th)
    235. Joe Wilson (SC-2d)
    236. Robert J. Wittman (VA-1st)
    237. Steve Womack (AR-3d)
    238. Rob Woodall (GA-7th)
    239. David Young (IA-3d)
    240. Don Young (AK-At Large)
    241. Lee M. Zeldin (NY-1st)

Source: http://www.zdnet.com/article/here-are-the-256-lawmakers-members-who-just-voted-to-reject-privacy-reforms-and-extend-nsa-spying/?loc=newsletter_featured_related_listing&ftag=TRE-03-10aaa6b&bhid=21455359243242794221985792139624

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