
Marrianne Williamson - the Karen of US National Politics.

When she demonstrates time and time again that her views/policies are not what the working class (majority) need at this time, she then proceeds to weaponize her race and gender to avoid further being called out on her lack of substance.

Hey Karen - interrupting your propaganda and lies isn't 'mansplaining'.  It''s Nick spotting your bullshit and stopping you.

Check your white female privilege before you enter into public conversations next time.

We didn't need this in 2008, and it's certainly no where near what's needed today


The collapse that's coming.




My comment -

Those that presently control the US capitalist system I think are aiming for this. Capitalism we've seen is a fundamentally unstable system, and by-design co-opted by the rich and powerful. It's chief goal is to rob the majority of their wealth, labor and resources and transfer that upward in the form of endless private profit.

But in order to mask this, capitalism needs the illusion of democracy in order to convince enough of the working class to go along with the fleecing.

Once collapsed, I think the rich and powerful would use it as an excuse to dispense with the mask altogether - and continue ruling the majority as a oligopoly through economic terrorism.

If this happens, it'll be game over for all of us. Fascism like capitalism will not be able to save society from the very problems it creates and perpetuates - #1 being climate change.

Our only real hope is a true powerful mass social movement of the working class majority to wrest power from the rich and powerful, and transition control of the planet's limited resources democratically and sustainably.


IF I had reasons to distrust American textbooks and their teaching of it's own history, here's one more.


What better institution is there to illustrate clearly why this system of late-state/late-stage capitalism (aka crapitalism) doesn't work for the most people - than the police.


Cop City:

The impetus for this theft of public land and training ground for brutality began in 2020. In that year millions of people across the country rose up in protest after the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. But Atlanta then experienced its own rebellion when police there killed Rayshard Brooks. Brooks was killed by police after an altercation which began when he fell asleep in his car in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant. Such circumstances are common in police killings which usually happen during traffic stops, mental health crises, and even calls for help. Only one-third of police killings occur during the commission of violent crimes.

Brooks' death created another rebellion, this time in Atlanta itself, which years before was falsely dubbed, the “city too busy to hate.” The response was classic, as the city’s white fathers ordered their Black puppets to crack down and thus the idea for Cop City was born. Its funders are a who’s who of corporate giants including Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Chick-Fil-A, Home Depot, United Parcel Service, Delta airlines, Amazon and Waffle House. All of these entities claim to have some sort of racial equity program and pledge workplace diversity. Some of their CEOs made grand gestures like “taking a knee” in 2020, but when not creating feel good photo opportunities they use police foundations to help fund police departments across the country. These efforts are little more than slush funds which help police departments spend more money without any accountability to the public.

The protests against Cop City also attracted forest defenders , who camped out to save the old growth trees from destruction. But their peaceful protest of civil disobedience was met with brute force. Some of them have been arrested and charged with “domestic terrorism.” But the worst was yet to come. On January 18, 2023 a forest defender named Manuel Esteban Paez Terán was killed by the police.They claim that Paez Terán shot one of them first. But there has been no independent investigation and conveniently none of the police or members of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation who raided the protectors’ encampment were wearing body cameras. Cop City is killing people before it even exists.



The assholery continues.

This is just outside my house.

This individual doesn't seem to get they are parked on the wrong side of the street, and in a designated fire-truck lane.

They parkes there presumably to see an open house across the street, but seriously would I really want someone this reckless as a neighbor?


Hopeful Sky

Still don't think this system isn't going to try and crush workers' right to organize and strike?

Think again.


US Supreme Court About to Eviscerate the Right to Strike


This is not a good thing, all the way around.

Not good for Sting.

Not good for Microsoft.

Not good for crapitalism.


Curious though that this is on MSN. 

Well another weekend of work coming.

Work early.

Work late.

Work weekends.

And being forced to go back to the office under penalty of firing.

Toxicity is an understatement.



RIP Jeff Beck

He was one of the true few guitar players who could tale any sound and make ot sound musical.

And how.

Yes people #ForceTheVote can actually work.

What we're seeing with these 'Freedom caucus' House Republicans doing to extract concessions from Kevin McCarthy (and getting them) - proves definitively that the the Congressional Progressive Caucus had leverage on Nancy Pelosi to obtain a floor House vote on passing Medicare-For-All legislation.

And they didn't.

#FraudSquad indeed.

But don't take my word for it, let's listen to Margaret Kimberley.


Look who's on strike!



Nurses’ demands in these negotiations are focused on staffing and raises that keep pace with inflation. Throughout NYC hospitals, despite having contract language that promises a 1:4 nurse-to-patient ratio, most nurses are lucky to be assigned only five patients, at times being forced to care for up to eight over the course of their 12-hour shifts. As of this writing, many nurses in hospitals where tentative agreements have been announced have seen only a summary of the TAs which promise “Improved enforcement and dispute resolution process” with no details of how to accomplish this. Many units are having difficulty hiring as they refuse to compete with the wages or the flexibility offered to travel nurses – and yet employ travel nurses regularly paying them far more than their staff.


It sucks that I have a shitty camera ...

... and that I am terrible at taking pictures.

But here's a full(ish) moon in a blue sky -