
Last post of the fiscal quarter and first half of the year ...

... and I got nothing.

Except - Happy Canada Day tomorrow to all my fellow Canadians (not counting those crooks and losers who were going to fuck up Vancouver regardless of who actually won).


GOP Presidential hopeful invokes spirit of serial killer.

No really.

Seriously, the Onion couldn't write something better.


I get the impression Barack Obama isn't worrying to much about his re-election chances given the quality of candidates the GOP is putting out.


Anyone out there who STILL thinks Clarence Thomas has not been a disaster for this country?

Guess again.


Here's a quote from the Congressional rep trying to launch an investigation into him -

One of the most shocking speeches that a Supreme Court justice has ever made was one that Justice Thomas made just a few months ago to a group of Virginia law students, in which – with his wife in the audience – he admitted, plainly, that his cause on the Supreme Court as a justice was the exact same cause that his wife was pursuing as the chief organizer of one of the nation’s most prominent Tea Party groups.

Republicans are silent on Thomas for a simple reason. He’s doing their bidding on the Supreme Court today, and they don’t want to do anything that compromises his ability to enforce a political agenda in the United States judicial system.


Overheard on a bus - 06-23-2011.

White woman in her early 30's with red hair, glasses, a green sweater and a big ass and a grey smartphone. Evidently the phone was smarter than her because it kept crapping out (perhaps a sign that she should stop polluting the bus air with her diatribe about how her Groupon coupon a hair cut wasn't fun because all she wanted was a trim, and that the stylist cut more).

Also bloviated about her perfect parallel parking skills. The woman sitting next to her trying to read her book was probably wondering if this moron would ever perfect her shut-the-fuck-up skills.


Quote of the day - 06-29-2011

If you thought the Citizens United ruling was bad in that it made corporations equal to individuals in terms of political speech ...... this should scare you beyond shit-less.

If you are critical of Citizens United you should be critical of this decision. The effect of Citizen's United was t say that corporations are equal to individuals in terms of their political speech rights. But the effect of this case is even broader. Walmart here has a right not available to individuals. No individual could assert that his business is so complex that he should not be subject to a class action.

The combined effect of these two case is that corporations have the rights of individuals AND additional rights., making corporations a class of citizen superior to the individual.

More here. Good times in America - yeah!

Thought for the day.

In a changing world there are three types of people –
  • Those who cannot or will not change. They are set in their ways, or cannot see change coming. Or perhaps they don’t care or want to know. Often times, these folks suffer from an inability to observe what’s in front of them, and extrapolate what that means for the future. Odds are, these folks will extinguish themselves from the gene pool over time. ~ 40-45% of the world’s population.

  • Those who can survive and adapt to change. They may not fully understand it, accept it, or even see it coming, but they can deal with it. May not be able to see the full impacts of change on the future, but can definitely see the negative side of it enough to plan ahead to some degree. In other words, they may see a side of change coming, but either does not see the rest, or are not in a position do something about it. ~40-45% of the world’s population.

  • Those who make the change happen. While these folks think strategically ahead, it’s very easy to make change happen in one area of life, but be clueless to change elsewhere. Hence one can be very successful, but become extinct. ~5-10% of the world’s population.



If only making music were so easy ...


I'm really thinking this Onion article had to have been written by a musician -

"It'll be just like Bruce Springsteen locking himself in his bedroom and recording Nebraska," said Ruskin, referring to the New Jersey–born rock legend's sparse, deeply haunting album of 1982. "Except instead of creating a timeless masterpiece that perfectly encapsulates the struggles and dashed dreams of blue-collar Americans, I'll be haphazardly slapping together a piece of total shit that proves I don't know the first thing about good music, much less about truth and the human condition."

"And I know this cello player I can call to do some overdubs when I get back," continued Ruskin, later adding that he has already made the ill-advised decision to layer his own voice dozens of times on every track so that the album will reach its full potential as an incoherent, pompous mess that no one will be able to listen to for more than 30 seconds.

... that's what makes this article so funny.


Sigh - Canadians must wait another year for the Stanley Cup.


Hey, at least the Cup was in town for the last game of the series.

I suppose the one upside, was that the Bruins finally proved they could crawl out from under the horrible memories of that idiot Don Cherry, and win.


Got $2.5 Trillion USD to spare?


"The tradeoffs paint a stark picture. For the same price as the Bush tax cuts, which did little to help the economy, we could’ve sent tens of millions of students to college, retrofitted every household in America with the capacity to generate alternative energy, hired millions of firefighters and police officers, effectively ended our national shame of having kids who lack health care coverage, or put millions of more teachers into classrooms. But instead, Congress passed budget-breaking tax cuts, and then went on to pass even more in 2003. In 2010, Congress then went on to renew the Bush tax cuts for an additional two years, and the political will for the sort of public investments listed above appears to have dried up. "

So fucked up, and so fucking sad.


You know you're getting old ...

... when you look in the mirror, and see that one's nostril hairs are white.


1984 - published on this day 62 years ago. What does it tell us about today?

Publish Date: 8 June 1949


When I read the book in the year 1984, I sort of understood the plot. At the time however, I wasn't truly aware of how accurate a world Orwell was warning would come.

Today, I'm more and more shocked at not how close things are today, but really how far beyond they are now.

One can only wonder what someone like Orwell would make of the world today.


A big plate of ... nothing.

I knew it was coming.

And yet, here I am. What am I talking about?

Call it blogger block. You'd think with the Internet at one's disposal, one would have important things to whine about, or be productive by pointing one's readers to something interesting, or controversial or bloviate on and on about myself and so on.

But for some reason - I've got nothing.

Sure I could whine about how moronic and prejudicial the bus drivers around here are; how they act in a discriminatory manner to people like me who are neither white, nor female.

Or I could bitch and moan about the impotent excuses for pets we have in our house who do nothing useful. Sure they scratch up the place, destroy furniture, stink it up joint with the abject stench of stupidity, disobedience and attention-seeking.

Or I could lament those days where I wish every day was a Saturday, and I was a millionaire.

But since I've already written those things - continuing on with those topics are somewhat useless.

I suppose I could rant further about another new way the right-wing is fucking up the world, how we're all fucking up the world, how many more people are being killed, how we're slowing killing ourselves with what we eat, what we drink, how we burn ourselves slowly to death in the sun, or destroy ourselves from within by all the future cancers growing inside of us.

I could whine about how sad the situation is in Canada that enough voters were conned into voting in the former Reform Party into office for the next 4-5 years, and that they have truly no idea what destruction of society they are in for.

Then there's wishing and hoping KISS would reunite. Or perhaps Guns 'n Roses.

Maybe I'd like Metallica to play some of their old songs once again in standard tuning (that would be low to high: E A D G B E).

But really, those are just random thoughts in my head. Really I've nothing to think about beyond those singular thoughts.

Is it a senior moment?

Have I become a victim of the digital world and finally am seeing my attention span wither down to where everyone else on Facebook is?

I could be just bored, but I know it's not that.

I'm weary. Yeah, maybe that's it.

I'm weary of constantly having to deal with idiocy, stupidity, and moronicism every single day. If not in myself, in the rest of the world.

It could also be that I'm weary of having thousands of ideas roll through my head every week, and then take virtually no steps to follow up on any of them and turn them into reality, either due to lack of time, know-how, or simple follow-through.

I could say it's a mid-life crisis, but I think I've been feeling this way for the last 10 years or so. It just so happens that the numbness isn't just in my brain, but my fingers, my heels, my ass, my head ....

... hey ... maybe I'm just sick.

But, isn't that what blogs are for?