
The trials and tribulations of being in IT for a retail company - Part 2 (Yesterdays and Todays)

(Continuing on this earlier post)

When last we left off ...

I was performing a role within IT - for which I didn't have the title, nor the level - for close to two years. 

Naturally working like this benefits the employer as opposed to the employee - they get more work and labor from me at a lower amount of compensation. On top of all this, I was subjected to a regular and routine hostile work environment thanks to a toxic individual (who due to perceiving me as some sort of threat to their existence and status, chose to denigrate and deride everything I did - right or wrong), along with several project managers who had a rather dubious relationship with the manager PM.

And at that time, despite all the success in our group, the company chose to lay a bunch of employees off as cost-cutting measure. We all knew this was coming months in advance.

... you can probably imagine the stress I was under that week ... because at the time none of us knew whom exactly they were gonna let go, and who'd survive. Me and the lead PM talked about it ... we figured best to update our resumes. On top of that, I had just bought a house not too long ago.

When that fateful day came, the company had sealed off one of the floors, and had black screens blocking of the hallways. If you were scheduled for an early morning meeting on that floor, you would be taken into a conference room, told your job was eliminated, and exited from the building by security.

A meeting did come on my calendar ... but it as from my then director for all of us. When I got there, it was only then that I noticed the fellow Lead Test Analysts in various areas were not present. That's when we got the news ... all of them had been laid off.

I sat there listening to the director talking ... he said all who were at this meeting had their jobs in tact. This left me w/a strange feeling, though I was to performing this role, I was technically still listed as 'Lead Test Analyst' -how and why am I still here?

After the meeting, the director and my then-manager stayed behind and told me that I was moving to a new group, and that my job title and level would officially change to match what I was doing (production deployment).

Well I found out which group, and I tell you - I wasn't exactly ready.

It was one that let's just say, had a 'reputation'.

That reputation was one of being VERY difficult to work with, to engage with, to get any assistance with issue with, that had a variety of strong and challenging personalities, and so on. They were also a team that was always on the radar of upper management due to a number of high-profile and high-severity issues.

I remember the first time I met with them and THEIR leadership. The idea of someone dedicated to production deployments - and I in particular - wasn't too well received. I even recall one of them saying (in polite terms) that I wasn't needed.

Fortunately - that VP who had previously supported me - was also at this meeting. He believed in me and was confident I could help this group. So on I proceeded.

Life certainly wasn't fun. I had no guide on how to help this group, other than being told - 'fix their problems and tell them how things should be done'.

Somehow, something told me that wouldn't work in this group. Plus as I would later find out, some of the managers were either incompetent, toxic, and both.

So I decided to take a different approach. I decided to observe, listen and ask folks where they needed help. Despite some resistance and skepticism from many, some did speak up and tell me - they needed help sequencing and communicating their deployments; they needed help navigating the IT change management process; they needed help with some of the maintenance windows, and so on. And one by one, I started helping the teams by taking on some of those tasks, and by helping teams organizing their releases. I also took over owning the outage windows from our infrastructure vendor, and turned it into a regularly cadenced event with a plan and all the necessary communications.

This wasn't by no means easy. After all, I was still reporting to my previous manager reporting to that previous director who didn't really offer any kind of support. And some of the toxic managers in this group took every opportunity to belittle any accomplishments, or magnify any mistakes along the way.  Of course still, there was resistance to me as an 'outsider' and as someone who wasn't a developer or analyst.

But over time, and with some patience - the organization got more disciplined and got better. As well, one of toxic managers toxified their way out of their job. And after awhile, I even shepherded some regular release schedules for each team - to allow for for predictable deliveries of solutions. Of course, all of this took time and effort and energy AND well ... time mostly.

Lots of late evenings, lots of overnights, lost of weekends. Most of that time I never have ever really gotten back in the sense that it's never been really compensated for.

But over time the group got better, and eventually we succeeded in being one of (if not the) top producers of changes for our respective business areas and customers.

So ... did any of this lead to anything more or better? Tune into Part 3 to find out.


You have to admit - addressing the UN Security Council is quite an accomplishment.

Even better when you can actually reveal some actual facts and reality.


The trials and tribulations of being in IT for a retail company - Part 1 (Background)

This seems to be a trend in my professional career. 1st some background -

I work for a retail company, in their IT department. I've worked there a number of years.

When I started, I was a Test Analyst Lead working under a Test Analyst title,  but still doing the work of a Test Analyst Lead.

It was really good for the company, but a complete Catch-22 for me - why?

Turned out whenever I would demonstrate any 'leadership' skills, I'd be told I wasn't focused enough on actual testing of the solution, and so on.

And when I'd show that this was false - that I had in fact understood how the various solutions worked, and ran enough tests and found enough issues to get fixed - I'd be told that I didn't show enough 'leadership'.

Pretty good for my employer - they got the work of a Test Analyst AND and Test Analyst Lead, for the salary of a Test Analyst.

I got tired of watching people I'd train (or were less competent at the role; or who viewed me as some sort of threat to them) move upward and onward on my accomplishments. In fact it wasn't until I keyed a director who supported one of the solutions I tested onto this, that things began to change. Only then did I finally earn a promotion to that lead-level role - and likely because doing so was also in the interests of the management.

Of course my own management probably didn't like this approach to getting what I had demonstrated I had accomplished years ago. So I got buried in a number of projects. Indeed my-then manager had by this time been further promoted, and I had had enough. But then something unexpected happened.

Along the way our group got a new VP. And he took an interest in me. And this person was different than previous ones. This VP actually seemed to respect me. This VP actually asked ME to set up time w/THEM so they could get to know ME.

Fucked up, eh?

Anyways, he took the time to inquire as to what my interests were, where I wanted to head, and all that. I was honest and was candid, and he even took down notes. When I expressed an interest in a project that was brand new to the company, he said he'd look into whether I could be a Lead Test Analyst there.

Well that didn't sit well with my management. They told me I was wasting my time. They told me I wasn't qualified. They told me I didn't have enough skill, or passion, or fortitude to survive, and that I shouldn't bother to apply. Only after did I find out that they had in fact chosen someone else for the role in that project; and that they were really only trying to not have me apply, so I wouldn't be even considered.

That VP I mentioned - well when I told him what happened, he got really pissed, and he said he'd do something about it. A couple of days later, my director contacted me and told me that there - suddenly - was an opening, but for a different role. He said that I could try working on supporting production deployments. I talked with a couple of people, and they advised me to pursue it, as it was an opportunity in this particular project that I'd never get a chance to otherwise be in. So I decided to give it a shot.

(One thing to note - even though I took on this role, it didn't result in a change in pay or title).

What shit I went through.

Remember how I mentioned that some people felt threatened by me - my mere existence? Well it turns out one of those people never stopped seeing me that way because they taunted me at every turn starting from Day 1. If I didn't know something, or got something wrong, I was vilified by this person. I was taunted, and told I didn't belong there. And whenever there was some degree of conflict, this person's m.o. was to simply add more layers of management to any communication about the issue, which resulted in them coming down on me. Only the lead project manager would stand up for me back then.

Now in all fairness, I was new in both the project and the role. And I'm thinking this person felt that I had 'complained' my way into the role. What I later found out from the PM was that this person had in fact applied for the very role I was assigned to. That they didn't get it, and I did must have bothered them (despite the fact they'd been doing this role for few years in another area). 

But I didn't 'get' this role - I was given a shot at it. Remember, no title change or pay increase - which meant I had to prove I could do the job.

Of course it helped that - except for most of other PMs aside from the lead PM - practically everyone on the project was more than helpful and willing to help me out. And I did listen and learn - both about the underlying technology and the way to deploy things to production that made sense for our business. I even learned things from this other person as well.

And in time, I earned peoples' respect and trust. The project delivered successfully, and even something better was achieved. Together with the lead PM (and other leads on the project), we worked out a scaled and continuous deployment process that allowed for maximum delivery in a cadenced fashion. Along the way, I literally wrote the guide for doing this form of scaled deployment in our company.

Eventually by the time the project began winding down, I was finally rewarded with a title change and pay increase. Which perhaps was good timing in that the portfolio I was in chose to eliminate all Lead Test Analysts as employees. You could say I dodged a bullet.

But wait - there's more to come ... Stay tuned for Part 2.


Well this is a good sign - not tolerating crapitalist bullshit.


Negotiators from Parliament and Council agreed to proscribe the following:

  • generic environmental claims, e.g. “environmentally friendly”, “natural”, “biodegradable”, “climate neutral” or “eco”, without proof of recognised excellent environmental performance relevant to the claim;
  • commercial communications about a good with a feature that limits its durability if information is available on the feature and its effects on the durability;
  • claims based on emissions offsetting schemes that a product has neutral, reduced or positive impact on the environment;
  • sustainability labels not based on approved certification schemes or established by public authorities;
  • durability claims in terms of usage time or intensity under normal conditions, if not proven;
  • prompting the consumer to replace consumables, such as printer ink cartridges, earlier than strictly necessary;
  • presenting software updates as necessary even if they only enhance functionality features;
  • presenting goods as repairable when they are not.


Who knew that HFCS and global warming were connected?


UPFs rely on energy-intensive manufacturing processes and long supply chains, leading to substantial greenhouse gas emissions.

The most substantial environmental impacts of UPF-rich diets predominantly stem from the post-farm stages, specifically the final product creation and packaging processes.

One specific additive that has the most environmental impact is palm oil. Palm oil is responsible for deforestation of some of the world’s most biodiverse forests. It is the world’s most consumed vegetable oil that can be found in half of our food.

Another villain is high-fructose corn syrup, which not only leaves a long carbon footprint but is also linked to obesity, high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes


Another overnight working.

I tell you -  these late nights can be tough to deal with, especially in the mornings.


What a fucking embarassment my country has been.

I could not even imagine such stupidity.


The 2,000 Nazis thereafter started to arrive throughout the 1950s and got to work whitewashing their past.

Which brings us to now. And the main question.

The main question is not how this Nazi came to be in the House of Commons. By now, we all know he was invited there by the moron who is the Speaker of the House of Commons, who the Liberals and Conservatives refused to fire.

No, the more important question is this: How did this Nazi get to Canada in the first place — and why is he still here?


Another book to add to my reading list.


“Computing the Climate: How we know what we know about climate change”

'Truth and Reconciliation' without 'Accountability', 'Resonsibility', and 'Justice', is empty and meaningless.

I know places like this perhaps like to convey the impression they care (https://www.concordia.ca/indigenous/national-day-truth-and-reconciliation.html), but absent any kind of justice for the victims and survivors, and no real accountability and consequence for the perpetrators, it has no value to me.

And the reason why is, because there'll never be any justice for the victims and survivors, and no real accountability and consequence for the perpetrators, as long as the systems and its controllers that both created and benefited, remain in place.


Global Fight To End Fossil Fuels.


Our Demands

  • No new fossil fuels

  • A rapid, just and equitable phase out

  • New Commitments for International Cooperation

  • Stop greenwashing

  • Hold polluters responsible for the damage they've caused

  • End fossil fuel corporate capture


    SEPTEMBER 15 & 17 2023






Quote Of The Day - 09-13-2023.

Margaret Kimberley

"The AUMF of 2001 was quickly followed by the Patriot Act which Congress also passed hastily on October 25, 2001. The Patriot Ac t rendered moot decades of legal precedent regarding surveillance of individuals. Under the Patriot Act, the FBI can issue National Security Letters without a judge’s approval, which give access to email, phone, and bank records. The Patriot Act also prohibits recipients of NSLs from revealing to anyone that they received them. So-called “sneak and peek” searches are allowed under the Patriot Act. A home or business can be searched, and the target doesn’t have to be notified until after the search takes place. Let’s not forget that an entire new agency, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), was formed in the wake of 9/11 and it encompasses everything from immigration laws to air travel.

It would appear that the terrorists won after all. The word democracy may be elevated to sacred status, but in 20 years congress has not managed to repeal the AUMF of 2001 or the Patriot Act. It appears that DHS is also here to stay.

Remembrance of September 11 should be elevated above flag waving, and maudlin sentiment expressed by the same politicians who make wars and increase control over our lives. This columnist suggests that the dates September 14 and October 25 be added to the pantheon of solemn commemorations."



Well now I'm not very hopeful about Cornel West running for President Of The United States in 2024, anymore.

Oh why you ask?

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that he just announced Peter Daou as his new campaign manager -> https://www.democraticunderground.com/100218262880

This guy is a right-winger with a past connection to Hillary Clinton, and I've never forgotten the way he and others practically called those of us who supported Bernie Sanders back in 2016 traitors to all things in life.

Perhaps this could explain this as well, as to why this interview didn't go well.


The moment you see Trump as somehow worse than Biden is a clear sign you are - in effect - working for the latter and the ruling class of capitalism.

I've said before many times - the only differences between Trump and Biden are their names and which color the pass themselves by. They are are otherwise the same because they serve the same interests.

Blue no matter who MAGA Red

Another Monday.

Bus never arrived.

Waiting at the train station.

Why am I doing this? Well I don't want to get fired.


To be so highly regarded.

Got this sent to me via text (I removed my name).

Amazing how after being IT for 25 years, and only NOW am I qualified for roles like this -

Hello So And So, I am Amanda Shores from TRANSOCEAN LTD.. Your resume has been reviewed for the following remote positions; Administrative Assistant, Data Entry, and Customer Service. You are being invited to an interview. Pay rate: $20 - $35.55 per hour. Please reply if you are interested in more information. Best regards.

Ah to be a secretary - just what I always wanted to never be!

Yes I did block this number and deleted the message.

An honest and accurate view of Canada and how it's accelerating the climate catastrophe.

Yes, can you say 'climate catastrophe'?


Probably the best analogy to describe how the crapitalist ruling class deals with climate change, and whom it impacts the most.

"Relying on white “supremacy” to shepherd climate justice would be like Dizzy Gillespie relying on Kenny G for Be-Bop jazz lessons."



An interesting article about unions and crapitalism, but 1 of the commenters really got my attention.



Organized Labor did not rise up against Capital’s political counter-revolution in ’81 because highly paid Union Fat Cats no longer shared the interests of the workers they represented. It was in the best interests of Union Fat Cats to actually bargain away ‘Solidarity’ itself.

I haven’t read the new ‘Five Year’ contract between UPS and the Teamsters’ self-congratulating Fat Cats, but the fact that it’s a 5 year contract implies that it contains a ‘no strike’ clause. Nothing about the Business Union Model has changed since 1981. The Teamsters once again just bargained away ‘Solidarity’ itself, and are so ‘stupid’ that they are actually elated over having done so.

So… The self-loving Teamsters obviously don’t give a shite about the struggle of the Amazon work force? Oh sure, they’ll have plenty of BS lip-service to give. But ‘Solidarity’? No… They won’t have ANY of that. They won’t have ANY ‘Solidarity’ to give to Amazon (or other) workers because the Teamsters’ Fat Cats just bargained it away.

The entire edifice of Organized Labor sat on its impotent hands in ’81 for that exact same reason. Organized Labor did not rise up to meet the challenge of Capital’s counter-revolution because EVERY union had bargained away ‘Solidarity’ itself. EVERY union was constrained by the ‘no-strike’ clause its Fat Cats had signed.



Sigh - the end of summer for me always coincides w/Labour Day.

The end of sunny days.
The coming of cold, dark, rainy days.
The return to school.
No more late nights.
Review season.

There are many more.