
All good intentions here - but I'm sadly confident no meaningful action will be taken.


Believe me -  the Democratic Brand won't do anything to act. It runs counter to their corporate interests, and capitalism itself. 

If anyone was truly serious about ensuring choice and specifically abortion rights, they'd reclassify it as a health issue, and implement a single-payer health system to guarantee that everyone can make those choices responsibly and free of everyone else's attitude.

A well-meaning site for sure.


It came from this FAIR article

It's unfortunate that in this political climate, the perhaps well-intentioned bills being introduced will - in actuality - go nowhere.

Now to say the quiet part out loud  - I think the people who introduced the bill know this. They are being performative, at best.


Look forward to the next season of this series.

Drive on by.

A few weeks ago, I was taking my eldest on a trip for him to complete a financial transaction as part of his desire to further his interests in coins. There is a lot of aspects and levels to all of this that's not something I would really go into on a blog (as it would involve revealing some more personal information about myself and my family I'd rather not have online),  but let's just say I was doing so to - among other things - fulfill a parental duty.

While driving back,  we found ourselves at a red light on a road that leads to an intersection to 2 different highways.

While at the red light, I saw seated on the sidewalk a relatively young woman with a sign requesting money. She looked disheveled, homeless, and in need of shelter, but what really horrified me was that next to her was a little boy. 

He couldn't have been more than 2. He was standing there, next  to this woman.

Presumably they were mother and son.

They were non-white. One could make a case they were in dire straits.

I haven't stopped thinking about this woman and this boy ever since.

The woman could've been as old an my wife. The boy wasn't too far younger than my own youngest.

What happened to them?  Are they alright? Why didn't I give them some money?  What could I have done?

I thought about how fortunate I was to be dragged along on what seemed like an indulgent middle-class hobby of an activity, burning up more fossil fuels and doing my part to emit more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

I felt entitled and ashamed for doing all those things, and for doing nothing else, and then even more so for thinking about how I should write about this on a fucking blog.

I can see how some of my white colleagues at  work would react to all of this  - I won't bother posting that here.

But aside from all of that, I found myself ultimately asking myself - Am I so wonderful a person in my own life that I can simply drive on by while others - circumstances aside -  suffer, and possibly die?

A deeply and grisly reminder about the incredible racism and violence that is colonial imperialism.


Some words that are never used include -

  • Justice 
  • Responsibility
  • Accountability 

It does seem to involve a lot of white supremacy, racial superiority, wealth and natural resource theft, and the torture/killing of many non-white people. Mr. Lumumb's tooth is only but a small fraction of all of this.


Jumping through hoops - an constant in IT.

So my employer is 'mandating' a physical return to the office.

Alternatively, they are suggesting going through a process (with a built-in approval) which involves a 'salary adjustment'.

Incredibly tone-deaf to say the least, considering the current price of gasoline.

Creepy is a more definitive word.


I noticed something peculiar.

Seems as though my last few posts tend to only have 5-6 views (not counting my own).

Whereas going by what I see that Blogger posts about my site, I tend to get many posts in a number of countries.

This leads me to ask - is my site on the 'less popular' Google algorithm?


Sigh - vacation ending.

At least I got a fair amount done.
Now it's the dread of thousands of emails, action items, and surviving the usual humblebragging, backstabbing and performative bullshit of higher-ups I'm forced to endure.

At least it's only for 3 days this wwek.


A book I'm thinking of getting- > Let’s Agree to Disagree, a Critical Thinking Guide to Communication Conflict Management and Critical Media Literacy.

 Context here: https://scheerpost.com/2022/06/24/nolan-higdon-mickey-huff-has-america-lost-the-key-to-democracy/

More shit in my former hometown.

As if I have enough reasons not to live there -> https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/06/24/kouu-j24.html

The CAQ’s incessant Quebec flag-waving serves as a means for it and the ruling class to divert attention away from the ever deepening social crisis and as a smokescreen behind which to prepare a further assault on public services and tax cuts for big business and the rich. Thus, while the CAQ intends to make Quebec chauvinist appeals the pivot of its re-election campaign, the corporate media are regularly issuing warnings to the Legault government that it will have to “get its fiscal house in order” post-election, i.e. implement a fresh round of austerity and other measures aimed at boosting investor profits at the expense of the working class.

For key sections of the Quebec ruling elite, the promotion of nationalism is also a means of strengthening its position in its power struggles with Ottawa and other regional and provincially-based factions of the Canadian bourgeoisie. As for chauvinist language laws, such as Bill 101 and the newly adopted Bill 96, they are particularly popular with Quebec's francophone upper-middle class as they provide a stepping stone to positions of power and lucrative careers in government and corporate boards at the expense of their anglophone rivals.



Chris Hedges makes it clear: the final collapse of the US capitalist system won't lead to anything other our collective end.

Crapitalism (the late stage of the late stage of capitalism) is the epitome of an unstable system.

But those who control it, do so w/the assumption that said collapse would lead to fascism.

It won't, because I honestly believe we won't get that far. Apparently Chris thinks so too.

Despotic governments need an enemy to justify the repression of dissidents, the reduction and cancellation of social programs and the iron control of information. Wars justify the unjustifiable — black sites, kidnapping, torture, targeted assassinations, censorship, and arbitrary detention — off-the-book war crimes. War induces a state of perpetual paranoia and fear. It demands mass obedience.

“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous,” George Orwell writes in 1984. “Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.”

The message of endless war is – if you defy the ruling class, the militarists and the government, you are a traitor.

The 140 million people across the globe suffering from acute hunger, a result of the pandemic, the climate crisis and the war in Ukraine, know the future, along with the families of the 15 million people who died from the pandemic, hundreds of thousands of whom with proper prevention and medical care could have been saved. The refugees fleeing failed states and climate disasters – there could be 1.2 billion climate refugees by 2050 – in the global south know the future. 

The message imparted to the poor, the vulnerable, the sick and the weak is this: your lives and the lives of your children do not matter.

It's come and gone, but here's a perspective on Juneteenth I didn't think of.


What exactly is being celebrated on June 19? Juneteenth could be a history lesson which explained that Abraham Lincoln was not the great emancipator. Everyone should know that the Emancipation Proclamation freed enslaved people only in states like Texas which were in rebellion against the federal government, but which were safely able to continue the peculiar institution until they were forced to end it. Lincoln tied emancipation to colonization, the plan to send Black people out of the country and he actually established one such colony in Haiti .

The Civil War is rarely taught properly. The well documented struggle for liberation is left out of the story. The enslaved people who fled to Union lines whenever they were able forced Lincoln to state that ending slavery was the object of the conflict. He only reluctantly agreed to establish the United States Colored Troops, who were more invested in victory than any other group in the country. Of course, he never gave up on his dream of an all white country. Shortly before his assassination he still expressed a desire to send Black people away and to compensate the Confederacy for its lost free labor.


Pretty ugly.



US Military and Hollywood: Propaganda at its height.

It’s about rehabilitation of the military’s image in the wake of numerous failed wars. The film also helps foreground human pilots flying an actual combat mission – something very rare in these days of high-altitude airstrikes and drone warfare. It helps distract from all the drone pilots who’ve spoken out about the misery and horror inherent in that job.”




No LinkedIn humblebraggers ... the flooding of Yellowstone Park ISN'T 'mother nature'.

It's climate change.

Studies have shown that the increase in ocean surface temperatures, as well as air temperatures, have increased the amount of atmospheric moisture and resulted in an uptick in the amount of rainfall to the Pacific Northwest delivered via atmospheric river storms. 

“Extreme precipitation is increasing worldwide. Across the United States, observational data shows an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation events,” Climate Signals, a nonprofit that tracks climate change developments, says on its website. “This is because warmer air has the capacity to hold and release more moisture. For each 1°C of warming, saturated air contains seven percent more water vapor. Therefore, a given volume of warmer air has the capacity to drop greater amounts of rain and snowfall than the same volume of cooler air.”

The atmospheric river that broke rainfall records in parts of Washington before wreaking havoc in Yellowstone National Park was classified as a maximum Category 5 event on a scale developed by the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes in San Diego.

Why is this relevant?

Because if you dig up references to this on humblebragging sites like LinkedIn, the words 'climate change' are virtually absent from any discourse.


Thank you T-Birds.

It was a great season. While it didn't end they way we all wanted, we enjoyed every moment.

Look forward to next season.

Well, I got the Stanley Cup Finals matchup I wanted.

End for the fucking Rangers!

Hard to know who to root for.

On the one hand, I think the Colorado Avalanche have been the best team this season. And I think it'd cap off a great year with a championship.

On the other hand, the Tampa Bay Lightning have come from behind a couple of times, and are the 2-time winners.

Either way, I'll be happy for one of the teams.