
Well look who's made a plan to ban Roundup - > Mexico.


Mexico Announces Phase-Out and Ban on Glyphosate Herbicides

Posted on Jun 27 2020 - 3:03am by Sustainable Pulse
The Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), Mexico’s Environment Ministry, has announced that glyphosate-based herbicides will be phased out of use in the country by 2024 to protect human health and the environment. 



The People's Convention - WATCH IT NOW.


Don't kid yourself Christo.


It's by design Christo - don't kid yourself. The establishment/1%'s goals all along have to been to ->

1) Keep a progressive off the ballot.
2) ensure that the 100+ million eligible Americans who don't vote; continue to not vote.

The Democratic Brand deliberately installed Biden as candidate; same as in 2016 with Hillary Clinton. And that brand's corporate donors are fine with it (you'll find a lot of them also contribute to the Republican Brand also). They'd rather have the Democratic Brand lose with Trump (means 4 more years of endless fundraising and corporate cash), than actually win with a viable candidate, especially from the Political Left. An viable candidate would have to introduce policies and plans that would actually entice voters to support, and that runs counter to the donors' interests.

A candidate that offers policies like a single-payer health care system, tuition-free public college/university education, ending the violent conflicts both abroad by the military and here through the police and the racist criminal justice system; and so on would entice a fairly large chunk of the 100+ Million or so eligible Americans who didn't vote at all. The Establishment doesn't want that to happen, because it'd then mean an end to their massive wealth theft that's taken place of the last 150+ years.


A Right-Wing Vigilante Killed Two Protesters in Wisconsin. Police Let Him Walk Away.



It should also be said that police departments have a high concentration of members of right-wing organizations, and the entire purpose of police departments is to protect property, the state, and white supremacy. 

It has become completely undeniable that the institution of police is an institution of the far-right which can neither be reformed nor defunded to any budget amount other than zero. The only solution to police violence is abolition. The only way to abolish the police is to abolish capitalism.


Something I've always wanted to see!
