CMIIW - Correct Me If I'm Wrong

Craptice - The act of doing something shitty on a regular basis.

Crapp - Crappy App.

Gut-away - when guitar shops keep one side of the guitar looking a certain way (typically the front, but also the top), but sneakily shave or cut off parts of the wood on another side, often to give room for a person's fat stomach.

Coca-Code - code developed by someone drinking cheap HFCS-laced soda.

Cowboy-Coder - software developer who creates Coca-Code.

Copicide - Murdered by a cop.

'Hypocriticism'  - My eldest came up with this one. It means attacking someone without any basis for doing so or worse, doing so to cover up one's own actions.

'Testilying'  - Police lying.

Presstitutes - Corporate Media.

Demockery - Another term to describe the current failed system of government we have in the US -> Capitalism.

Crapitalism - The late-stage of the late-stage of capitalism on the path to fascism. System of ruling people that's a complete failure to said people due to its inability to avoid being captured by established corporations and the rich and powerful. Essentially it's a by-design effort to bring about fascism through the demise of capitalism by means of eliminating any given market's competitors, and done so at the expense of everyone and everything else.

Maninal - CV jr. His Bizarro counterpart is called 'Manion'.

Staring and comparing - IT analysis.

Idiocracy - People who waste time on social media, and nothing else.

Scamazon  - another name for Amazon.

'wealthyfare' - supporting 'royal' families with public tax money.

Giganto - comic book super-hero big.

Tarketing (or Margeting) - a combination of Targeting and Marketing.

FASD - Farting Amoron Software Developer.

Hypnotizement - Combination of 'hypnotize' and 'advertisement'. My son came up with that one.

DINOcracy - Systems of government that claim they are democratic. Democracy In Name Only 

Firetruck - in place of Fuck.

Shitake - in place of Shit

Asteroid - in place of Asshole.

Imafuckingpawn - Stupidiots who do business with Amoron.

Amoron -  Amazon. Or conversely, An alternate term for stupidiots who do business with Amazon.

YAAFA - You are a fucking asshole.

Fairytale Factory - place where people worship something that isn't real, like a church or temple.

Webnesia - Going online to look up something, only to do ten thousand other things instead.

Stupidiotic - People who are do/say stupid things, and are idiots. Examples: pretty much everyone on US cable 'news' programs. They are all right-wing and dishonest (idiotic) and say wrong things (stupid). Or reading anything from the Politico.

Stamp Tramp - female who insists on branding themselves like a cow (i.e. tattoo) in all sorts of places. Nothing is more unappealing then seeing a woman branded like a cow.

Seminonymous - Being online without revealing one's name; despite some public common knowledge about one's true identity.

RIABN (Right-wing In All But Name) - Examples: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and any member of the American Democratic Party who calls themselves 'centrist'. Somehow these are found a lot in a DINOcracy (see above).

Localism - Inability to understand a complex issue that contains many parts; and only seeing the part of the issue that matters solely to oneself. Examples include denying global warming exists. People like this are called 'localist'.

Liberalish - Appearing to be progressive. Conveying a image or brand that appears 'liberal' in the minds of the public at-large, but in reality may not be so. Examples include - Starbucks, Whole Foods Market, or liking Coldplay.

Grandmnesia - An ailment of Grandparents whereby they conveniently forget how moronic their grandchildren are.

Fauxrage - Getting all upset over a fake/manufactured issue, or whining about being called on a double standard, then moving on. Example: Tucker Carlson, Rachel Maddow and the pseudo-left.

Bestiguestimate/Bestiguess/Guestimate - Best Estimate/Guess

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