
A grim reminder that racism and bigotry are never too far away.

These were found at the local public park, not too far from where I live.

RIP David Prowse.

A big part of my childhood was Star Wars, and much of that rests with the iconic Darth Vader.

David Prowse was literally the embodiment of who Darth Vader was. Thank you Mr. Prowse and rest in peace.

You will be remembered for that and so much more.


Oh look at what's gotten worse.

Science & Health

UN Report: Lockdowns Not Abetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By Lisa Schlein
November 23, 2020 12:40 PM 

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND - The World Meteorological Organization reports greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere continue to reach record levels despite COVID-19 lockdowns. The WMO has just released its annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletin on atmospheric 
concentrations of carbon dioxide and other major greenhouse gases.

COVID-19 lockdown measures have reduced air pollution levels in major cities in India, China and elsewhere. The World Meteorological Organization, however, says the measures have failed to curb the relentless rise in greenhouse gas emissions, trapping heat in the atmosphere and accelerating global warming.



Don't you assholes look at me - I didn't vote for the right-winger.



Whatever the skin color of the cabinet members, the Biden administration will not think like America. The population is demanding massive social change to address the deadly pandemic and unprecedented levels of inequality and social desperation.

Though over seven in 10 Americans favor universal health care, there will be no constituency within the cabinet for such a policy. The same goes for the more than six in 10 Americans who support tuition-free college and student debt forgiveness. They will be “represented” by a cabinet consisting of equity fund partners of various races and genders.

While eight in 10 people now favor diverting money from police departments to support social programs following this summer’s nationwide, multi-racial demonstrations against police violence, Biden has pledged to increase funding for the police.

And for the over 75 percent of Americans who want troops removed from Afghanistan and Iraq and who support cutting defense spending, the multi-racial Biden cabinet will give them the exact opposite.


But keep it up with your voting for the establishment brands - it only results in worse government, not better.



Chris Hedges: Someone I will always listen to.


The election of Biden is also very bad news for journalists such as Matt Taibbi, Glen Ford, Margaret Kimberley, Glenn Greenwald, Jeffrey St. Clair or Robert Scheer who refuse to be courtiers to the ruling elites. Journalists who do not spew the approved narrative of the right-wing, or, alternatively, the approved narrative of the Democratic Party, have a credibility the ruling elite fears.

The worse things get – and they will get worse as the pandemic leaves hundreds of thousands dead and thrusts millions of Americans into severe economic distress – the more those who seek to hold the ruling elites, and in particular the Democratic Party, accountable will be targeted and censored in ways familiar to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, now in a London prison and facing possible extradition to the United States and life imprisonment.



The greatest crime that people and society can commit ...

... aside from hatred, killing, destruction and all that ...

... is the crime of forgetting. Or rather, either not remembering or remembering differently.

Case in point - https://www.globalresearch.ca/day-john-kennedy-died/5695615


Remembering in all its emotional detail the day John Kennedy died has been a long and cold journey for me. It has allowed me to see and feel the terror of that day, the horror, but also the heroism of the man, the in-your-face warrior for peace whose death should birth in us the courage to carry on his legacy.

Killing a man who says “no” to the endless cycle of war is a risky business, says a priest in the novel Bread and Wine by Ignazio Silone. For “even a corpse can go on whispering ‘No! No! No! with a persistence and obstinacy that only certain corpses are capable of. And how can you silence a corpse.”

John Kennedy was such a man.

Eliot was right: Sometimes death and birth are hard to tell apart.

President Kennedy’s courage in facing a death he knew was coming from forces within his own government who opposed his efforts for peace in Vietnam , nuclear disarmament, and an end to the Cold War – “I know there is a God-and I see a storm coming. I believe that I am ready,” he had written on a slip of paper, and his favorite poem contained the refrain, “I have a rendezvous with death” – should encourage all of us to not turn our faces away from his witness for peace



Always thought the word 'blather' was a cross between blabbing and lather.

Shows what I know -> https://www.thefreedictionary.com/blather



(ˈblæðə) or


(intr) to speak foolishly
1. foolish talk; nonsense
2. a person who blathers
[C15: from Old Norse blathra, from blathr nonsense]


Exposing the falsehood of the Democratic brand.

They are not, nor have ever been a place for progressive ideals to grow.

Rather, they exist to ensure such ideals never come to life.

Case in point -> https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/11/20/democrats-and-the-canard-of-too-far-left/


The Kings Bay Plowshares Seven - who are they?



Media coverage, meanwhile, has failed to keep pace. News about the Catholic pacifists’ bold act of nonviolent civil disobedience at Kings Bay and their subsequent trial appears predominantly in progressive or religious publications like the National Catholic Reporter. Mainstream outlets, including those in Atlanta and nearby Jacksonville, Florida, have steered clear of the Plowshares activists.

The lack of coverage has prompted some Plowshares supporters to conclude the seven activists have become the victims of a media blackout.

Journalist Jeremy Scahill recently gave voice to that concern following the recent sentencing of Kelley and O’Neill. Speaking in October on Democracy Now!, Scahill slammed the press’ refusal to cover the Kings Bay Plowshares Seven.

“These Catholic peace activists, during the Trump administration, tried to confront that nuclear threat, and there was a total media blackout on the action that they did,” Scahill said. “And, you know, if we lived in a just society, the Kings Bay Plowshares activists’ trial would have been reported on as one of the most brave confrontations of the most dangerous aspect of this government, and particularly this administration.”

O’Neill pointed to a 2019 hearing for the Kings Bay Plowshares Seven attended by the actor and Catholic activist Martin Sheen. Only one reporter from a local newspaper showed up to document Sheen’s public show of support.

Rather than a concerted effort by the media to suppress the activists, O’Neill fears that the lack of press coverage is instead a reflection of how complacent Americans have become after 75 years of living on hair-trigger alert. In the absence of sustained grassroots mobilization aimed at keeping the issue of nuclear abolition in the spotlight, O’Neill imagines news editors and journalists view the Plowshares activists as if they are political outliers or relics of a bygone era, with little incentive to cover them.

“The media is not blacking us out,” said O’Neill. “They just made a conscious decision to say we’re not worthy of coverage. It just says something about how relaxed people are about being under the shadow of the nuclear arms race.”


Happy International Men's Day!



They got 17 Billion USD and still cut jobs?



Boeing announces 7,000 additional layoffs

Boeing, the giant US commercial and military aviation manufacturer, has announced 7,000 layoffs, bringing its total to 30,000 for the year. The company cited the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the airline industry as the underlying cause, and also announced that there were no orders forthcoming for the entire month of October, the second consecutive month where this occurred. Boeing intends to make these cuts despite receiving $17 billion in federal bailout money earlier in the year.


Said it before, and I'll say it again.

The winners in the US elections?

The establishment of course - https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/11/17/u-s-ruling-class-wins-again/


Ideology of the ruling class

In capitalist society the dominant or all pervasive ideology is the ideology of the ruling class, the class whose representatives, fundamental structures, institutions and corporate media control the dissemination of ideas. It is only when mass forces in struggle emerge among capitalism’s victims – led by conscious fighters with a clear counter vision to capitalism’s endless justification for it’s continued minority rule, that the Truman Show-Potemkin Village fantasy world is challenged at its core. That time is rapidly approaching as capitalism’s ever-intensifying inherent crises compel countless millions to challenge its very right to exist.

Within days of Biden’s victory, he and his associates have already sounded a major retreat from the pathetic and empty few promises they were able to muster. Today we hear Biden speaking of a renewed bi-partisanship, of an America where everyone’s needs are met, where compromises with the Republicans are the order of the day.


Quote of the day - 11-17-2020.

Caitlin Johnson (https://consortiumnews.com/2020/11/17/imperialism-in-pumps/)

Modern mainstream feminism has abandoned women’s interests so thoroughly and completely in almost all spheres of importance that it has largely become only superficially distinct from the patriarchy it purports to oppose. The plight of mothers, elderly women, young girls, caregivers and wives have been almost entirely shuffled out of popular discourse, with focus instead shifted onto discussions about whether women are being adequately rewarded for their service to the God of Capitalism, or how they’re just as qualified as men to murder thousands of people at a time.

Taking a peek at a business Venn diagram got me to thinking of my own view of things when it comes to bliss.

 What do you think?


My thoughts exactly - Peanuts has always been racist and full of repressed misandry. It NEVER was ever happy or positive.


Who thought this was a good idea to show to young children? Charlie Brown is depressed. Lucy is a bossy cunt. Linus is a head case. Peppermint Patty is like a cocktail party guest who corners you and talks to you until you want to slit your throat from ear to ear. Whenever Snoopy talks, he sounds like a cat being raped. No one smiles. Everyone's complaining or arguing. Horrible slow jazz plays in the background. There isn't a semblance of joy in any of these specials, and anyone who tells you they're classics has been fucking BRAINWASHED, just like I was.


I always thought all the Peanuts comics and cartoons were just full or male-hate. Every boy was screwed up, all the girls were either bullies or  repressing some deep-rooted hostility. Only Marcie ever seemed nice most of the time.

Not to mention that it was for a very long time it was quite racist - ever seen the Thanksgiving episode?


Point Of No Return

What exactly does a “point of no return” mean for Earth and its inhabitants? The researchers describe “a threshold which, once surpassed, fundamentally changes the dynamics of the climate system,” including “by triggering irreversible processes like melting of the permafrost, drying of the rainforests, or acidification of surface waters.” 

The researchers used a computer model called ESCIMO to simulate outcomes from various levels of CO2 reductions until the year 2500. They concluded that even an immediate reduction to zero greenhouse emissions would still result in a 3°C rise in global temperatures by 2500.




Quote of the day - 11-11-2020.




In honor of two celebrities who recently died.

I think it's appropriate to celebrate them with a parody/skit about them; despite the fact that in all likelihood, they may never have ever met.


Adolf Hitler is apparently a model for American Police.

In Kentucky -> https://manualredeye.com/90096/news/local/police-training-hitler-presentation/

(h/t WSWS

One slide, titled “Violence of Action,” in addition to imploring officers to be “ruthless killer[s],” instructs troopers to have “a mindset void of emotion” and to “meet violence with greater violence.” 

A line from Adolf Hitler’s fascist and anti-Semitic manifesto, Mein Kampf, is featured in the slide: “the very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”

The presentation also links to a Hitler page on Goodreads, a database of quotes and books. 

Two other slides quoting Hitler bring his total to three, making him the most quoted person in the presentation.