
Myth of the popular vote - another corporate media lie?


Assume the following changes to the base case assumptions:
3 million uncounted ballots (Clinton 90%); 2 million illegals (Clinton 80%); 4 million Trump votes flip to  Clinton. Trump wins by 4.0 million: 66.8-62.8 (48.7-45.8%) 

Total Clinton Trump Other
Recorded vote 136.22 65.72 62.89 7.61
    48.25% 46.17% 5.59%
Illegal 3.0 -2.4 -0.6 0
Uncounted 7.0 5.6 1.4 0
Vote Flip 4.0 -4.0 4.0 0
True Vote 140.22 64.9 67.7 7.6
    46.3% 48.3% 5.4%
Sensitivity Analysis
Worst case: (4 million illegals, 3 million votes flip to Trump) Clinton wins by 0.83 million
Base Case: (3 million illegals, 4 million votes flip to Trump) Trump wins by 2.77 million
Best case: (2 million illegals, 5 million votes flip to Trump) Trump wins by 3.57 million

Sigh - back to work tomorrow.

This will now go on for the next few months.

Oh well, at least I got to spend some quality time with the family.

There was sun, sand, museums, snow, bacon, coffee, etc.


A Canadian who actually made a difference in peoples' lives - Bob White RIP.


The successes Bob was part of include rich and important clues to a way forward but we will not find answers there. The story of Bob White will only provide a living legacy if it inspires workers and unions to draw on elements of his achievements to figure out anew how, in this particular era, unions can once again mobilize their members and their communities and lead the more general struggles for equality, justice, solidarity and a more meaningful democracy.



US Government sticks fingers up Canadians' asses.

It could literally come to that if they don't like the way Canadians behave at the border -


Trudeau backs C-23, armed US border guards in Canada



The article notes, "Michael Greene, an immigration lawyer in Calgary, says C-23 takes away an important right found in the existing law. 'A Canadian going to the U.S. through a pre-clearance area [on Canadian soil] can say: I don't like the way [an interview is] going and I've chosen not to visit your country. And they can just turn around and walk out. Under the new proposed bill, they wouldn't be able to walk out. They can be held and forced to answer questions, first to identify themselves, which is not so offensive, but secondly, to explain the reasons for leaving, and to explain their reasons for wanting to withdraw', said Greene." 

Greene adds, "If that person tries to leave, then they can be charged with failing to co-operate, which under this bill is an offence they can be arrested for, and then charged and given a federal record."

Furthermore, the article notes, "Under the existing law, a strip search can only be conducted by a Canadian officer, though a U.S. officer can be present. Greene points out C-23 says if a Canadian officer is unavailable or unwilling, the U.S. officer can conduct the search."

And, "C-23 would also allow U.S. officers to carry sidearms while on duty in Canada, if they're working in an environment where Canada Border Services Agency officers are normally armed."


Quote of the day - 02-11-2017.

Dr. Michael Antoniou -

"For the very first time we have established a causative link between an environmentally relevant level of daily ingestion of Roundup and a serious disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease."

Fuck yeah - cutting through the bullshit.

More here - http://www.globalresearch.ca/new-risks-of-gmo-food-glyphosate-uncovered-scientists-ground-breaking-research/5574264

Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) - TPP 2.0?

So says Wikileaks -


TiSA is the largest of the three proposed giant multinational trade agreements. Along with the TPP and TTIP, the "Three Big T's" create a new global economic and legal bloc. TiSA is the agreement around the vitally important services industry. According to World Bank figures, services comprise around 75% of the EU economy, 80% of the US economy and the majority of economies of most countries. The global economy is shifting towards a service-oriented economy. 


The idiocy of the term 'officer-involved shooting'.


The phrase has real consequences for how the reading public understands police shootings.
Its passive voice obscures agency and avoids even the question of culpability; there is no action, only “involvement.” Its police origins give it a built-in bias, so when it circulates in the press, a police shooting, by definition a matter of power, becomes a question merely of procedure.
The query “was this shooting just or a criminal act?” becomes “was it in or out of policy?” Deeper questions — about the police’s political and economic relationship to the populations it serves, protects, or polices — are even easier to dodge.
Its clumsy evasiveness obscures meaning and denies the victims of such shootings even the slight dignity of victimhood. The person shot disappears into the phrase, swallowed up by the police spokesman’s pallid, passive-voiced, tortuous indifference.

Why is this important to be aware. Because this shit goes on in the corporate media to this very fucking day.

Like this.


Kid Auto Races at Venice


Release date
  • February 7, 1914

Curious thing I didn't know -

"The first film to be produced that featured the character was actually Mabel's Strange Predicament; it was shot a few days before Kid Auto Races but released two days after it."


So I'm not alone!

ublic polling tends to support his claim. A Gallup survey from last May, for example, revealed that a majority of Americans (58 percent) support the idea of replacing the Affordable Care Act with a federally funded health care system (including four in 10 Republicans!), while only 22 percent of Americans say they want Obamacare repealed and don’t want to replace it with a single-payer system. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll from last year had similar results: Almost two-thirds of Americans (64 percent) had a positive reaction to “Medicare-for-all,” while only a small minority (13 percent) supported repealing the ACA and replacing it with a Republican alternative. These are surprising numbers when you consider how the Sanders campaign’s “Medicare-for-all” plan was written off by critics as being too extreme.
On other issues, a similar story presents itself. Public Policy Polling (PPP) has found that the vast majority (88 percent) of voters in Florida, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — four crucial swing states, three of which went to Trump this fall — oppose cutting Social Security benefits, while a majority (68 percent) oppose privatizing Social Security. Similarly, 67 percent of Americans support requiring high-income earners to pay the payroll tax for all of their income (the cap is currently $118,500), according to a Gallup poll. America’s two other major social programs, Medicare and Medicaid, are also widely supported by Americans, and the vast majority oppose any spending cuts to either. In fact, more Americans support cutting the national defense budget than Medicare or Medicaid.
It goes on and on. A majority of Americans, 61 percent, believe that upper-income earners pay too little in taxes. A majority of 64 percent believe that corporations don’t pay their fair share in taxes. Significant majorities believe that wealth distribution is unfair in America, support raising the minimum wage (though perhaps not as high as Sanders would like), and say they are worried about climate change.

Looks like I'm not going be going to work today.

It's like the winters I remember from Canada.


American Narcissism+Imperial Feminism=Trump protesters.

I have no doubt that Trump is really bad for America, let alone the globe.

But you won't catch me protesting in the streets with the Pussyhat Project. They're nothing but a bunch of Hillary Clinton supporters; who've zero accountability.

Or as this demonstrates -

Most women demonstrators who marched against Trump were no doubt well intentioned within their limited perspective.  At the call of organizers, they were roused from their long liberal naps.  Reacting to Trump’s gross comments about “grabbing pussy” – sick words, macho aggressive in their meaning – they donned their pink hats, made signs, and took their newly awakened outrage to the streets.  Rightly disgusted by being verbally assaulted and afraid that their reproductive rights and services were threatened, they pounced like tigers on their verbal attacker.  Massive, very well organized, media friendly marches and demonstrations followed.  It was a hit parade.
Yet as others have forcefully written, something is amiss here. During the Obama years of endless wars, drone killings, the jailing of whistleblowers, including Chelsea Manning, etc., these demonstrators were silent and off the streets.
A large number of the women (if not the vast majority) who marched against Donald Trump – and the recent women’s marches can only be described as anti-Trump marches – were Hilary Clinton supporters, whether they would describe their votes as “the lesser of two evils” or not.  Thus, opposition to Trump’s aggressive statements toward “pussy” was implicit support for Clinton’s and Obama’s “feminism.”  In other words, it was support for a man and a woman who didn’t publicly talk aggressively about women’s genitals, but committed misogynist and misandrist actions by killing  thousands of women (and men and children) all over the world, and doing it with phallic shaped weapons.

Handy chart on the organic food industry in America

Source: https://www.cornucopia.org/who-owns-organic/, via InTheseTimes.




In view of the upcoming Super Bowl - I think it's worth noting the unpleasant controversy that people assume is gone.

Courtesy Robert Parry:


A snippet -

... the fact that Goodell concluded that the only time the scheme could have been implemented was on the one Sunday when the NFC and AFC championship games are played back-to-back and that it would require the NFC game going into overtime and the sudden-death finish causing unexpected confusion among the officials makes the NFL’s conspiracy findings ludicrous.
Yet, the NFL cited the commissioner’s broad authority to discipline players and teams as the legal basis for suspending Brady and stripping the Patriots of valuable draft picks. The NFL also managed to get the case before a corporate-friendly federal court district in New York, which ultimately sided with the NFL without any serious testing of the quality of the evidence.