Automobile License Plate Numbers with Dangerous Drivers.

Perhaps some day I'll turn this into a database.
AYE7135 (WA) 06-26-2023 - Perhaps not dangerous, but it's a warning sign for sure.
BIF1778 (WA) - 03-28-2023 - This idiot in a black SUV came barreling down the street in my neighborhood, and only slowed down/stopped because my youngest and I were crossing the street.
BMC9665 (WA) - 03-28-2023 -  Like the issue above, this time it was a gray SUV. This time, my son and I were at a (notoriously) dangerous intersection - Lakeland Hills Way/Lake Tapps Way. The walk symbol flashed and we had the right of way to cross. Except that had we done so, we would've been run over and killed by this grey SUV that screeched to turn right and cut us off. Didn't even slow down. The passenger (some white guy with long hair and beard) smiled and waved to us as they broke the law and nearly committed vehicular man/child slaughter.
CCE0873 (WA) - 01-22-2023 - The assholery speaks for itself.
AXX5158 (WA) - 01-14-2023 - Old white woman just stopped her car right next to mine, and waddled off without any care or concern.  I did see a police van parked nearby later, but unsure if they took any action.
BTR6198 (WA) - 04-09-2022 - Gray hatchback driven by an entitled young white female. Did her best to look away as she drove right through the walkway where I had the right of way.
BCG6225 (WA) - 04-09-2022 - Black sedan driven by a white male. Almost ran me over on the same  walkway (I was coming back from my appointment). Managed to get a picture though.

BIY6047 (WA) - 09-06-2021 - White SUV parked on a sidewalk next to a spa.
C17728N (WA) - 09/28/2019 - See for yourself.

C99242H (WA) - 05/01/2019 -  Another white SUV this time driven by some young white guy with with a goatee. He cut me off when I was trying to cross the Lakeland Hills Way/Lake Tapps Way intersection.

BAL3745 (WA) - 03-26-2019 - White minivan driven by some mixed race female with her kids in the back. I had the walk signal and was about to cross the Lakeland Hills Way/Lake Tapps Way intersection when this person turned right and cut me off. Only reason I'm alive to enter this is because I chose to stop.

BMA9551 (WA) - 03-11-2019 - one of those new white tall vans, driven by some white male wearing a stupid hat. At the Lakeland Hills Way/Lake Tapps Way intersection when the walk signal was activated, this person simply drove right through to turn right. They didn't even stop or bother to look my way - in fact this idiot looked the opposite way to see that no oncoming traffic was coming.

BJN3621 (or BGN3621) (WA) -  02-06-2019 - Yay! First near-death experience of 2019! This time I was crossing the intersection near my house. I waited for the walk signal, and when it activated I started crossing, only to stop when this white SUV driven by a bottle-brunette middle-aged white female. She never hesitated and just barreled right through and turned right.

AVP9001 (WA) - 11-14-2018 - White guy with glasses driving a brown station wagon. I was crossing a turn into a mall - right after a guy stopped and drove through - and this guy proceeded to drive through the stop sign and nearly run me over. I only survived because I stopped walking. This was actually the third time I was nearly hit on this day. The first two happened in the AM and in both cases I had a the right of way crossing an intersection.

07656 (WA) - 11-05-2018 - a real winner.

BBB9129 (WA) - 10-02-2018 - mere minutes after the incident above, I was nearly run over again. This time, I was crossing to get past the Lakeland Town Center turn, when this Jaguar driven by an elderly white female (with her no doubt whipped excuse of a husband in the passenger seat) cut me off. The only reason I'm alive is because I jumped out of they way.

AXG8365 (WA) - 10-02-2018 - this white female with dark brown curly hair in a black van nearly ran me over at the Lakeland Hills Way/Lake Tapps Way intersection, even though I had the right of way via the activated walk symbol on the traffic light.

ACX346 (WA) - 07-18-2018 - I watched this excuse of a white woman person do this.

AZW3006 (WA) - 06-16-2018 - classic entitlement at the Covington Costco.

C22805C (WA) - 06-14-2018 - Brown pickup truck. Caught this male asshole vaping in the HOV lane on I-5.

AUX1332 (WA) - 11-10-2017 - quite a self-absorbed cunt.

G BUSH (WA) 02-23-2015 - Black BMW driven by a real male winner. Flipped off a pedestrian for crossing when he wanted to turn right. The pedestrian had the green light. Occurred on Hardie Ave (the street one crosses Rainier, behind that new Starbucks. - the back road to the Fred Meyer.). Picture here.

ALO226 (WA) 02-22-2015 - White SUV driven by some crazy female in the neighborhood. She pulled out and nearly ran me over, even though my car was already in the intersection. And even after that and me honking her, she acted as if she didn't do anything wrong.

249999 (OR) - 12-29-2014 - see photograph and blog entry.

ADX-8855 (WA) - 08-19-2014 - Idiot Asian male driving a blue hatchback nearly ran me over when I had the right-of-way crossing a Seattle intersection.

B12274G (WA) - 08-05-2014 - Real winner in a a delivery truck. This asshole saw people crossing and one guy even ended up jumping out of the way to avoid getting hit.

317-WPT (WA) - 07-31-2014 - Brown van driven by a white male. Just kept right on going and not stopping when turning while I had the walk signal and right-of-way.

ADP2743 (WA) - 06-06-2014 - Real winner here in a grey sedan. He saw a bunch of us waiting for the light to flash the walk signal, and he was inching his car slow up. When the light turned green and the walking signal flashed, he floored it turning right, and nearly killed several of us.

531 XKY (WA) - 03-20-2014 - found parked directly behind a stop sign.

316-YUF (WA) - 03-11-2014 - Beat-up maroon sedan driven by a bearded male moron. He knew I was more than halfway across the street and still had the right of way as a pedestrian when he proceeded to follow the first driver who turned right. I wasn't able to get his license plate number, but I got this guy's. UPDATE: it appears this is a repeat offender on 06-27-2014.

329-YNV (WA) -  01-29-2014 - SUV driven by a fake blonde. She knew a group of us were crossing and the had the right of way as pedestrians. But did that stop her from nearly plowing us over despite the fact that we were more than halfway across the street? Nope.

VSK 315 (OR) - 08-20-2013 - Jackass must've thought that because he came from Oregon, he could ignore Washington State laws, like for example that he could turn right through an intersection even though the walk signal was active giving the pedestrian the right of way first?

ALF4376 (WA)- 07-31-2013 -Red car with white guy with sunglasses. Just the previous moron, almost ran me over even though I had the right of way.

ALU3820 (WA) -  07-26-2013 - white guy in a mini van talking on his cell nearly ran me over turning right while I was crossing the street.

660 XUW (WA) - 06-20-2013 - Blue sedan with male driver. Turned right after I started walking to cross the street after the walk signal was on. I'm only alive because I stopped.

023 YKP (WA) - 06-11-2013 - This driver was a real piece of work. At the intersection the light turned
green and the walk sign flashed. As I started walking she immediately hit the gas thus forcing me to stop. As she drove by, she waved in a holier-than-thou/high maintenance way. Too bad for her and her cunt-like ways, I got her license plate.

ABK6758 (WA) - 03-01-2013 - managed to snag this asshole's license plate with a text message draft. Go technology! Yeah, got it after he nearly ran me over crossing the street on a green light and walk signal.

AEG0487 (WA) - 01-24-2013 - Grey sedan.That's all I have, other than ran light.

B314371 (WA) - 01-10-2013 - dump truck barreled it's way to turn right before the light was even green. Even though we had the priority with the walk signal, I and others are only alive because we chose to not challenge an idiotic and dangerous truck driver.

AACTION (WA)- 01-07-2013 - grey beaten up sedan with a missing window driven my a male idiot. A group of pedestrians had the right of way and he nearly ran over all of us turning.

AAW9831 (WA) - 01-01-2013. Porsche driver in Redmond parked in two stalls. What a fucking moron.

922-YFU (WA) - 11-01-2012. Blue sedan driven by white women sped through right turn, nearly running over me and three other people who had the right of way to cross the street.

ABE3925 (WA) - 08-22-2012. Brown piece of crap and its driver evidently thought me and a bunch of other pedestrians the same when it cut us off.

B22137K (WA) - 07-18-2012. Beige truck with idiot driver nearly runs me over despite having the walk sign enabled.

861 WEP (WA) - 06-22-2012. Jerk extraordinaire. Ran light.

313 YTN (WA) - 05-03-2012. Fat fake blonde who deliberately waited till we all started crossing on the go-walk sign before turning and hitting almost all of us.

442 XPO (WA) - 04-13-2012. Beige van. Ran light.

496-ZZY (WA) - 02-28-2012. Almost got hit by the cunt driver of this vehicle, even though the walk signal was active and I had the right-of-way. The person was naturally on a cell phone at the time.

3644 (WA) - 02-14-2012. Classic example of stupidiocy. A moron who parked their SUV in a zone where it's clearly marked "NO PARKING".

AJD80007 (WA) 02-09-2012. Beige Truck. Ran light.

ABK0280 (WA) - 02-07-2012. This person turned and nearly ran over me and a bunch of pedestrians who had the valid walk sign enabled.

AFJ7244 (WA) - 12-15-2011. This person turned AFTER their turn signal light went to red, and after the walk signal had been enabled. I'm only alive because I chose to stop.

203 UCS (WA) - 11-28-2011 - Idiot white guy with a goatee in a truck (what a surprise). Same as the maroon below - turned right as the light turned green and the walk signal flashed on; and proceeded to cut me off.

927 TRB (WA) - 11-22-2011 - Maroon sedan with a kid car seat in the back. The asshole was right beside me and when the light turned green and the walk signal came on, he deliberately pulled out and cut me off from crossing straight.

115-UKK (WA) - 11-07-2011 - Seems to a trend around here. Lots of morons (in this case a stupid cunt) who nearly ran over a group of us trying to cross the street when the signal gave us the go-ahead.

642 XYL (WA) - 05-18-2011 - Motherfucker tried to run me over while crossing the street. Can you guess the scenario? Yes, I had the right of way.

ADT8930 (WA) - 04-19-2011. Another jackasteroid who doesn't get that even though the light is green, if the walk signal is active, the pedestrian has the right of way to cross, not you to turn right.

869-YZP (WA) - 04-08-2011. This jackass saw me crossing the street and still proceeded to turn right though. I and the other pedestrians survived only because we chose our lives over getting run over by you.

851-ZED (WA) - 04-05-2011. Yeah Mr. I-have-a-handicap-sticker-on-my-brown-SUV, I don't care. When the light is green and the walk signal is on, the pedestrian has the right of way to cross the street. You don't have the right to turn right and run me and others down. Your sticker doesn't give you more rights than others, nor does it give license to break the law and potentially kill people.

667-ZIE (WA) 02-03-2011. Bald white guy thinks it's alright to run someone over by turning right, even though the walk signal gave me the right-of-way.

590-XSA (WA) - 12-29-2010. Another grey sedan, this time the guy was turning onto 1st. Only the walk signal was active and I had the right of way to cross. I'm only alive and functional because I chose to surrender my right-of-way to this dangerous idiot.

673-SRJ (WA) - Gray sedan driven by some white guy on a cell phone turning left while the walk signal was active. This happened on 12-10-2010 at 1st Ave.

A23489Z (WA) - This is a documented case of stupidiocy. This person was driving a Chevy SUV and parked it in four spots. Not one or two, but four! Photographed in North Bend on 10-16-2010.

YHT-420 (OR) - Seems like the middle-aged guy driving this station wagon on 08-24-2010, also is incapable of understanding the sign "RIGHT TURN YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS." Another moron who proceeded to run through the green light even though the walk signal was active. Why is it the police are never around to catch these morons?

313-CWH (OR) This green SUV's driver apparently has an issue with seeing people in general. She also doesn't seem to understand the concept of the sign "RIGHT TURN YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS." On 07-20-2010, she proceeded to run through a green and cut me off before I could cross, even though the walk signal was activated. Meaning I had the right of way. One can only hope other pedestrians will be so fortunate as to stop for such a maniac.

984-BVF (OR) - Evidently sunlight was a problem for this driver on 06-09-2010, as it seems he couldn't see either me, or the traffic light indicator that had the pedestrian walk symbol enabled. He still proceeded to turn right and cut me off.

ZEW-010 (OR) - This grey sedan's driver doesn't understand the concept of green lights and walk signals. On 12-17-2009, I almost got run over because the driver didn't get that when a pedestrian is past the halfway point crossing the street, and the walk signal is still on, they still have the right of way. UPDATE on 03-17-2010: This guy likes being a repeat offender, as he did it again today. The only reason I'm able to write this is because I value being alive more than I value being crushed by his car. Guess he's too self-important that he must get to his office, instead of doing what he was supposed to do according to the law; and yield to a pedestrian who has the right-of-way, is walking straight across, and is more than halfway.

PJS-439 (OR) - Evidently PJ here doesn't seem to get that when the light is green, the walk sign is on, we're both starting from the same place, only I'm going straight; that I have the right of way. Guess he forgot that on the morning of 11-09-2009 at 6:30.

767-CGZ (OR) - The driver of this car proceeded to nearly run me over on 07-10-2009 around 06:30 when as a pedestrian, I had the right of way on a green.

079-WDR (WA) - On 08-12-2009 just before 17:00, the driver of this vehicle exited a Park and Ride, and nearly ran over and a pedestrian who had the right of way at a traffic light.

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