
So what are the differences between 'Blue-No-Matter-Who' and 'MAGA-Red'?

  • One group cheers loudly when the US crapitalist ruling class kills brown and black people.
  • The other group cheer loudly the US crapitalist ruling class kills brown and black people, but pretends they feel bad about it.

To be more blunt -

One uses lube when fucking your over, the other doesn't.

Next time you hear someone from one of those groups telling you that the other is the 'bad guy' and that their side is the one of the 'good guys', give them this analogy -

Imagine that someone from your side is driving down a street, heading to a highway to head say north.

But as soon as you get to that highway, you see a roadblock, and are unable to get on the highway. And that the their is a huge traffic logjam in front of you. Additionally by the time you stop, a traffic logjam forms behind you.

You can't go forward. You can't go back. 

You are stuck, and there's no way to get out, and there is no one to help you. 

Now imagine that someone from that other group (the one you consider evil) is coming from other side of the same street, -> on the other side of the highway. They too are headed to the same highway as you are, only they are entering it from the opposite side, and ... they want to enter the highway and head south. 

And when they arrive, they also encounter a roadblock - and are also unable to get on the highway. And there is huge logjam in front of them. And by the time they stop, a traffic logjam forms behind them.

They are stuck, and there is no way to get out, and there is no one to help them - just like you.

That is the difference between Blue-No-Mattter-Who   and MAGA-Red. They end up in the same place; where the US crapitalist ruling class wins.

And while it's true they start from different places - while it's true they offer 'cultural' and 'visible' differences to attract different voters - they both end up supporting the ruling class' wishes.

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