
Meanwhile, that same IDF that produced rape/violence-addicted people, trained the police forces in the United States.

Yes - this, leads to this -> https://peoplesdispatch.org/2024/08/15/a-year-after-the-police-killing-of-eddie-irizarry-charges-dropped-against-killer-cop/

A year after the police killing of Eddie Irizarry, charges dropped against killer cop

Irizarry’s family and local Philadelphia community outraged after first-degree murder charge dropped and former officer Mark Dial released on bail

27-year-old Irizarry was shot and killed on August 14, 2023. Immediately after he was shot, Philadelphia police began to tell the media a series of events that later turned out to be false. Police initially claimed that what prompted Irizarry’s shooting was him lunging out of his vehicle towards officers, wielding a knife. Police had to quickly change this narrative, however, after it became clear that body camera footage would prove otherwise. “The body-worn camera footage made it very clear what we initially reported was not actually what happened,” said then Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw at the time. 

Body camera footage, released on September 8, 2023, revealed a truth that was even more damning than expected. Dial was shown running to Irizarry’s car, shouting “I will f-cking shoot you!” only a few seconds before firing six shots into the car. Dial then placed handcuffs on Irizarry’s dead body before dragging him to the police vehicle. 

Irizarry reportedly had a knife by his right leg, however, this could not have been visible to Dial. Dial’s lawyer claimed that the officer fired shots because he believe that Irizarry had a gun, although no gun is seen in the body camera footage. 

Initial police reports in cases of brutality can often be contradicted when footage later resurfaces. If it wasn’t for Darnella Frazier’s brave filming of the police killing of George Floyd, it is possible that no protests would erupted—Minneapolis police’s initial report of Floyd’s killing was titled “Man Dies After Medical Incident During Police Interaction.”

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