
Interesting article from Indie Left News


My feedback -


Interesting article and enjoyed reading it - thank you.

Honestly I don't think the US Crapitalist ruling class gives a shit who runs in the duopoly brands - because they're both conveniently controlled by them. Either way, their chosen middle management (aka US politicians) remains employed in government to do their bidding. In a true sense, said ruling class is just like any other employer in this system - every employee is replaceable and disposable to them.

Nothing will ever change for the better for the majority as long as systems like crapitalism (and its successor system fascism) are in place for the rich and powerful to use to exploit. And certainly no elections within crapitalism will change that..

The only thing I can see that remotely has a chance of changing things for the better for all, is a broad social/political movement that aligns people in a way that the ruling class can't undermine.

And, with the ongoing accelerated pace of climate change, time is running out.

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