
A reminder about 'antisemistism'.

It originated in Europe.



The Chris Hedges Report: The Arab Jew Experience Exposes the Myths of Middle Eastern Antisemitism

By Chris Hedges/ The Chris Hedges Report

A significant justification for Israel’s existence relies on the narrative that, because of the alleged inherent and rabid antisemitism of Arabs and Islam, the Jews of the Middle East never had a home. Without Israel, it is said, these Jews would be left on the fringes of Middle Eastern societies, marginalized for an irrational prejudice against their religion and ethnicity by Muslims. 

Historian and author Avi Shlaim details in his book, “Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab Jew,” through personal experience and historical analysis the lies that this narrative is constructed upon.



Chris Hedges: One of the fascinating points in your book is that there was, in the 1930s, the rise of an antisemitic party. But again, that was a European import, that this was fueled by German fascism. That was a fascinating point, that even the most virulent forms of antisemitism in Iraq were a European import.

Avi Shlaim: There was no history of antisemitism in the Arab world. Antisemitism is a European disease. Antisemitism was born in Europe. You can trace it back to the church in medieval times, which persecuted Jews because they didn’t accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God. In the Middle East, in the Arab world, there wasn’t a parallel tradition. In the 1930s, antisemitism was exported from Europe to Iraq in particular, and it’s striking that there was no antisemitic literature in Arabic. So antisemitic literature had to be translated from European languages into Arabic, and one example is Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.” The situation of the Jews in Iraq was very, very different to that of the Jews in Europe. In Iraq, the Jews did not live in ghettos. In Iraq, the Jews practiced all the different professions. It took Europe much longer than it took the Arab world to accept the Jews as equal citizens, and we, my family and I, in the Jewish community, we had much more in common linguistically and culturally with our Arab compatriots than we did with our European co-religionists. So we were very much part of the fabric of Iraqi society. We are not a foreign body. There were thriving Jewish communities throughout the Arab world, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Iraq, in Egypt, throughout North Africa, but the Jewish community in Iraq was the most successful, the most prosperous, and also the best integrated of all the Jewish communities.

The leadership/ruling class of most (if not all) settler-colonial capitalist efforts is one of various forms of psychopathy; including sociopaths, narcissists, and above all, violence and murder, fueled by greed, money, and power.

And, one aspect of this leadership is a great deal of projection, along with a rather extreme inability to take accountability and responsibility for any of its actions.

Case in point -> https://peoplesdispatch.org/2024/08/13/over-1500-israeli-settlers-led-by-minister-ben-gvir-storm-al-aqsa-mosque/


Over 1,500 Israeli settlers led by Minister Ben-Gvir, storm Al-Aqsa Mosque

Storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque has been one of the Israeli occupation’s provocative policies towards the Palestinian people, exemplifying the fact that the end goal of the Zionist project is incompatible with any semblance of Palestinian sovereignty

August 13, 2024 by Aseel Saleh
In a new assault on sacred places within the occupied Palestinian capital of Al-Quds (Jerusalem), around 1,500 illegal Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa mosque compound on Tuesday, August 13. The settlers were led by Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir , and Minister for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee Yitzhak Wasserlauf. The attack comes as Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza completes 10 months, and Israel’s continuous provocations have put the ceasefire talks in jeopardy. 



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