
Well it's finally true -Julian Assange is a free man.

But let's remember (as Liberation News does) what 'crimes' Julian Assange committed -


The great import of Wikileaks reporting exceeds not just that of the U.S. war on Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2011, Wikileaks released cables that highlighted the role that the U.S. Embassy in Honduras, led by Hillary Clinton’s State Department under the Obama Administration, played in the 2009 coup that overthrow democratically-elected President Manual Zelaya. After Zelaya was ousted, the U.S. Embassy immediately began contacting Honduran capitalists and elites to accept the removal of the President. 

In the same year, a U.S. Embassy cable released by Wikileaks confirmed what the Bolivian government in 2009 alleged regarding a U.S. government conspiracy to assemble a team to assassinate then-Bolivian President Evo Morales. While senior U.S. diplomat Krishna Urs originally denied U.S. involvement, the cable revealed that a key financial backer of the plan was a “close embassy contact” to the mission of the U.S. Embassy in Bolivia.

In 2010, Wikileaks published around 76,000 leaked U.S. intelligence documents regarding Washington’s occupation of Afghanistan. The leak ended up totalling over 91,000 documents relating to the Afghan War, one of the largest in U.S. military history. The logs revealed that hundreds of civilians were killed in unreported incidents. Further, the leaks ran contrary to the narrative put out by the Pentagon that the U.S. operation was winning the hearts and minds of the people of Afghanistan. The documents revealed many acts by the United States in Afghanistan, including details regarding the usage of Reaper drones to assassinate individuals remotely from a base in Nevada, and paying off local Afghan media to run stories friendly to U.S. interests.


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