
Donald Trump - the monster heel of US crapitalist political theater.

After reading Chris Hedges' later piece (https://consortiumnews.com/2024/06/21/chris-hedges-the-impending-collapse-of-us-empire/), I got to thinking.

 Anyone who understands the vernacular of pro-wrestling is familiar with the concepts of 'babyfaces' (good guys) and 'heels' (bad guys).

It's all theater - in pro-wrestling 'matches', no one 'wins' and no one 'loses'. It's all scripted - both 'sides' are paid by the promoter.

In reality, only the promoter actually wins anything, in the form of profit.

US crapitalist politics is all about maintaining the illusion of democracy to the majority working class, and reducing any set of choices in any elections down to ones that the rich and powerful control.

That's all Donald Trump is - just one faux choice. The reality is, except for his name and color (red), there's actually no difference between him and Joe Biden.

That's the point.

Don't be fooled into thinking otherwise.

This system (capitalism) cannot be repaired, or reformed. It's beyond any kind of change for the better for the majority.

It's long past due that the majority of people start over. And time is running out


Global climate summary for May 2024


  • Temperatures were above average over much of the globe, while western North America, southern South America, and western Russia were cooler than average.
  • Sea surface temperatures were record warm for the 14th consecutive month.
  • Global tropical cyclone activity was above average, with five named storms.

May temperature

The May global surface temperature was 1.18°C (2.12°F) above the 20th-century average of 14.8°C (58.6°F), making it the warmest May on record. This was 0.18°C (0.32°F) above the previous record from May 2020. May 2024 marked the 48th consecutive May (since 1977) with temperatures at least nominally above the 20th-century average. May had a record-high monthly global ocean surface temperature for the 14th consecutive month.



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