
In case you're wondering how and why Nutcase Narenda isn't departing from the Indian political scene ...

... it's because India isn't really that much different than the United States -> https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/opinion/bjp-and-rss-relationship-is-not-going-to-change-in-wake-of-poll-results-12739984.html

The RSS prefers to stay away from the day-to-day political affairs and it is too busy with its plans to expand its base as it completes 100 years in 2025.  Some of the RSS workers are loaned out to the BJP as organisational secretaries and joint organisational secretaries at the state and the national level. These workers are generally full-time workers and known as ‘Pracharak’. Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself was an RSS Pracharak and he has also held the post of organisational secretary in the BJP.

There has been no clash of interests or tussle for power between the BJP and the RSS as they work in different spheres. The RSS leadership perfectly understands that politics has its own compulsions and the BJP is free to follow these compulsions. If anything has to be conveyed to the BJP leadership, that is done through the organisational secretaries and their deputies.

The RSS neither interferes in the governance or administration nor in the political activities of the BJP. It plays the role of an ideological mentor and would continue to do so. As a large number of BJP functionaries and political executives within the state and national level BJP and BJP-led governments have come from the RSS to the party, so the informal consultations between the mentor and the mentee are done regularly.

Since the days of the Bharatiya JanaSangh (BJS), the RSS’ relationship with politics has evolved on similar lines. When BJS, the predecessor of the BJP was formed in 1951, the RSS had loaned out some of its ‘Pracharak’ to the BJS. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who later became Prime Minister was one of them. Similarly, Narendra Modi was loaned out to the BJP in 1980s by the RSS and he also became the Prime Minister.

So, there is no dichotomy between Modi and the RSS. No one has any ambition to dominate the other because Modi is an intrinsic part of Sangh. When he visited the Vivekananda Rock Memorial, he fondly remembered Ek Nath Ranade who built this memorial. Ranade was also a pracharak and a former general secretary of the RSS. It was during Modi’s tenure as Prime Minister that another RSS Pracharak Nanaji Deshmukh was given Bharat Ratna for his stellar work in the field of rural reconstruction and social reforms. Deendayal Upadhyay, who founded the philosophy of ‘Integral Humanism’ that became the official ideology of the BJP was also an RSS pracharak. On innumerable occasions the BJP leadership and Prime Minister Modi himself has paid glowing tributes to Upadhyay.


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