
Quote of the day - 05-29-2024.

Margaret Kimberley.

While Trump is demonized as a fascist who cannot be permitted near the white house again, the current occupant is also a fascist who is rarely called upon to explain his dangerous policies. The term World War III is generally used as a plot device in movies, but imperialists committed to continued violence and folly could make it a reality. A presidential election will be held in five months but it doesn’t seem that the risk the U.S. poses to all life on earth is a subject of much interest. It would be if the public were aware of the dangers planned in their name. Of course, that is why they aren’t told. The political class wants to act without interference from the people who don’t realize the democracy they are told to vote to uphold is just a sham meant to keep them quiet.

Can you say 'World War III'?

Whether initiated in Ukraine, Palestine, or against Russia or China, the common denominator is the US ruling class.

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