
2019: End Of Year Thoughts.

It's weird - I've been doing these posts now regularly at the end of the year. I was actually going to skip it, but for some reason I changed my mind today. Part of the reason I was somewhat hesitant is, that I often times question whether anyone will ever read it. Also, I feel like a less-than-talented version of George Carlin at times.

That being said, fuck all that.

The main thing on this blog that I always seem to focus on is US politics. I figure it's the one thing that affects the entire planet, and sadly it's still very much controlled by the establishment and wealthy interests. I can waste my time and yours talking about false flag operations like Impeachment of Trump and Russiagate ...

But I think a more pressing point of discussion is the 2020 US Presidential Election. Right now Bernie Sanders is looking like the top candidate in the Democratic Party, just like in 2016.

One has to wonder if the DNC and establishment will move to cheat him like they did in 2016. Seems like the establishment is fine with another centrist/neo-liberal running to lose to Trump again.

This is the thing that really bugs me - all this focus on Trump, as if all of the country's problems started on January 1st, 2017.

They didn't. 10 years from now, Trump will not be in power; someone else will. Is this country going to make the same mistakes over and over and over again?

We'll see. For now, I see Sanders winning as the last really good hope for the country, and the globe.

2019 was the year I completely lost interest in new movies. Nowadays, they are just remakes, or CGI, and idiocy targeted to children. And film series like 007, Star Trek, Star Wars, Terminator, Mad Max are all white and feminized and not meant for me.

I mean one only has to look at Stars Wars as a classic example - https://vultcult.blogspot.com/2019/12/thank-you-disney-and-hollywood-for.html.

Here's a suggestion - stepping on men doesn't bring women up. If you step hard enough, you go down also.

Well at least I made some strides in music. Technically I have a touring band now. We did a show this past Autumn. While I thought we played well, I feel like we got shafted by the organizers. Still our plan for 2020 is to record are debut release and do more shows.

As far as my own rock project goes, 2019 was another year without a full release written. To be fair, my other project did take up a fair amount of my time, such that I'm writing for it as well as my original effort. I did re-start the old effort, and ended the year with ~ half an album written. With any luck, I'll have it finished by the first half of 2020.

Some of other things that occupied my time ... sigh.

My health was both good and bad. I was kind of surprised that with the exception of December, I more or less maintained my weight and physique. Still not doing a full work out due to the issues in my neck, but perhaps in 2020 I'll add some additional exercise. I know I need to make some changes in diet and activity if I want to remain healthy and fit.

The other thing that occupied a large chunk of my time was my family, and not in a good way.

It's tough. The Mrs. and I had to finally acknowledge that we have a special needs child, and we've yet to really understand how they function. This has caused no small amount of stress, strife, and grief. That being said, it's one of my challenges in the new year to better understand them, so I can help them understand themselves.

That reminds me - I have some more terms I hate: mansplain/manspread. Yeah - full of misandry.

I did get some good news this year though.

I did get a healthy bonus and raise at work. I think I'm slowly but surely making the transition into being effectively a manager of people and their time. This was the year I finally got some acknowledgement that my work has value, and is valued by folks with paychecks much larger than mine. But while that does give me some pleasure, it's hollow at best. I mean that for me, working in IT is just that - working in IT. It's a job, and it will always be just a job - nothing else.

Okay - on to some other good news. My baseball team finally won the big championship. It came 25 years late in my opinion, but no matter now.

My town is getting an NHL team - finally! We'll see what they are called in the new year.

Global Warming  - Political will has yet to catch up to the Science, as this demonstrates -


Obviously there is so much more - so much to cover, and so little time. Life is all about making the most of what you have in the search for happiness. 

2020 is the year to make things happen. If not, it may never happen ever.

Time to get into protest song mode.

http://www.ongoinghistoryofprotestsongs.com/ (from Shadowproof )

Kishi Bashi — Omoiyari

Clipping. — There Existed An Addiction To Blood

Ezra Furman – 12 Nudes

Gauche – A People’s History Of Gauche

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Infest The Rats’ Nest

Lowkey – Soundtrack To The Struggle 2

Damon Locks/Black Monument Ensemble – Where Future Unfolds

Sarathy Korwar – More Arriving

Our Native Daughters – Songs Of Our Native Daughters

Snotty Nose Rez Kids – Trapline

Somehow I don't think these would be on Spotify.