Next year it'll be something else.
Some how it all just comes together like magic (no really that's a quote from one of these idiot IT managers who spout off on the latest shiny thing being sold to them, but whose shit has to be cleaned up by everyone else).
Of course the missing pieces in all of these things is testing. You can't go live until you can to the best of your organization's ability really know what your solution, your product, your code, your anything is really doing.
That's there testing comes in. That's where critical thinking comes in. That's where observation, scientific evaluation comes in. That's where paying attention comes in. That's where learning from mistakes come in.
I've found that people who push things like Agile and DevOps often forget or try to deny that testing is the glue. And then those that do, So naturally just say (after they acknowledge that reality) is, 'we'll automate all the testing'.
These people don't really understand how software works.
Until these kinds of 'methodologies' truly embrace and respect the place testing has (here's a start, include it in your brand/title), you won't catch me espousing this bullshit.
So many when 'DevOps' becomes 'DevQAOps' (or just plain Sustainment, which is what it really is), then maybe I'll listen.
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