
Happy 'let's begin the Native American tribes' Day.

In honor of Europeans coming to this land and setting off what would be hundreds of years of killing and destroying of brown people, I thought it rather convenient that Consortiumnews.com choose to also do a bit of fact-telling about another white person and their genocidal ways against some brown people ...

... namely Ronald Reagan.


But what separates out Reagan from previous right-wingers was his ability as a bad actor to lie badly, only to be given a free pass by the corporate media establishment -

To manage U.S. public perceptions of the wars in Central America, Reagan also authorized a systematic program of distorting information and intimidating American journalists. Called “public diplomacy” or “perception management,” the project was run by a CIA propaganda veteran, Walter Raymond Jr., who was assigned to the National Security Council staff.
The project’s key operatives developed propaganda “themes,” selected “hot buttons” to excite the American people, cultivated pliable journalists who would cooperate, and bullied reporters who wouldn’t go along. [For details, see Robert Parry’s Lost History.]

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