
'Modern-day feminist'? No thanks.

I have always believed when it comes to who's smarter - men or women, that they are both equally stupid.

That one is no more and no less than the other.

In that regard, I have always believed feminism has always been about true equality between men and women. I say this because I know for many many years in many societies, women have been regarded as inferior or less than men, and have been treated as property or essentially less than human.

I've never believed that.

And I believe feminism has been about the pursuit of rectifying these inequalities, along with other basic things like walking down the street without being harassed or attacked or ogled.

All that being said ...

... I've found there are a group of women who've always carried themselves as morally superior to men - and oftentimes I find them in the media or part of the entertainment establishment. Indeed I know it's largely to push products and services by corporations on the purchasing customer base in Western Society - but when I hear this same type of women calling themselves, 'modern-day feminists' - a red flag goes up.

They speak of the Bechdel test as the measure of any film they go to (which really is a measure of the quality of the writing as opposed to the genders), and at the same time smear any one who disagrees as misogynist.

These are usually the same women who proclaim demanding equal pay for equal work, and in the same breath, expect a man to hold a door open for them. What fucking hypocrisy - that's not equality of respect; that's believing you are better and deserving to be treated as more important. Or worse, treating men like animals or less than human - kind of like the same kind of way many men used to treat women back in the day ...

I've never believed that.

So next time you hear someone calling themselves a 'modern-day feminist' - ask them what they really mean and request some examples. If they sound anything like some of the examples I've seen and heard, one can only hope they don't reproduce.

It goes back to what I said -

I have always believed when it comes to who's smarter - men or women, that they are both equally stupid.

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