
Is it just me, or has anyone else had enough of cheaters in sports?

Yeah yeah Ryan Braun - yippy.

Last year it was the batting champion ... and why is it his tainted stats didn't count against the Giants from winning the World Series - didn't he have a hand in getting them there?

Then A-Rod.

Before Barry Bonds, Mark McQuire, etc ...

Look ... I have to admit, watching baseball was something I grew up on. Although I will always enjoy hockey more as a sport, the last few years of the NHL have - despite some exciting games and moments - been largely something I avoided, due to the lockout, no cable, and a refusal to effectively fund fighting.
Maybe it's just age, but I find that as I get older, maybe the sports I watch needs to go slower.

But enough of this ... here are my bottom lines -

  • Owners, managers, coaches, union leaders, players, even fans knew what was going on. 
  • The 1994 Major League Baseball strike brought the 'game' into more than just severe disrepute. The owners realized that their leverage on maintaining Major League Baseball as a 'game', and not a business was faltering. The calls to finally define it as a business would soon come. And if that happened, MLB would be subjected to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. 
  • The owners feared they would lose financial control over their monopoly (though one could argue the real concern is that their abuse of the monopoly would be publicly exposed through enforcement of this law). So they needed a way to distract government, and the public from this type of discussion. They needed an event to generate sufficient attention away. 

Hence hitting lots of home runs suddenly ... became a sensation.

Look how many teams fielded players hitting 40, 50 home runs. Pitchers were being blasted out of games by the dozens.

Look at all the sprains and torn ligaments (that's the pesky thing about taking PEDs; they grow your muscles, but not the bones or ligaments)

Ultimately players who played the game clean are the ones who were cheated. And now they'll have the swirl of suspicion around them because of the actions of others. It will also be a lot harder for those who claimed they have played the game clean to prove their innocence.

What does it say about a form of entertainment (cause really, watching sports is nothing more than entertainment) that we choose to arbitrarily choose to watch knowing it's fixed, knowing it's really a business, knowing that any real talent is hidden and pushed aside in favor of cheaters?

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