
Some important questions - which obscure larger issues.

What Needs to be Explained

These are some of the most important questions that need answers:

  • Did police and/or Secret Service see Crooks on the roof 26 minutes before the shooting?
  • Why wasn’t the roof he was on just 130 yards away secured? Were local cops inside that building as the shooting occured as The New York Post reported?
  • After numerous eyewitnesses alerted police to Crooks crawling on the roof with a rifle, did the police alert the Secret Service snipers? 
  • Were the local police and Secret Service on the same radio frequency to communicate?
  • Did Crooks really act alone? 
  • What was his motive?
  • Did the fierce anti-Trump rhetoric from top Democratic leaders play any role in the shooting?


However I would not use the Zapruder film as an example of true evidence, as we know it's likely it's been altered, and by the very forces who were behind JFK's murder -

After he personally prepared a frame-by-frame panel board of the film, Brugioni was surprised to discover that the film shown to the public was altered. Furthermore, the film’s chain of custody has been misrepresented for decades. In reality, the Zapruder film was in the custody of the CIA (including Brugioni initially) and an element of the Secret Service — not LIFE magazine — from late Saturday evening through Monday morning of that fateful weekend.

And here -> https://www.emerald.tv/p/thomas-lipscomb-the-secrets-of-the


In summary, Dino Bruglioni appears to have gotten the unaltered original Zapruder film on Saturday night. And he made no changes to the film itself. In a recorded interview in 2011 by Peter Janney, Bruglioni agreed with the eyewitnesses (and Zapruder’s partner Erwin Schwartz) that the frame 313 in the Zapruder film was not what he had seen.

Ironically, as a witness in testimony (recorded in the Garrison trial of Clay Shaw) Zapruder himself agreed with Brugloini: “his head practically opened up and a lot of blood and many more things, whatever it was brains, came out of his head” rather than simply blood spray seen in frame 313.

And perhaps just as importantly, the sequence should have been longer than one frame in the film.


But why care about one person? In America, political violence is the way of the US capitalist ruling class.


The crocodile tears were proof that depicting Trump as the embodiment of evil is a desperate attempt to obscure the Democratic Party’s failures and, in the process, stave off a defeat that is looking more likely. Biden has been struggling in the polls for months, and his debate performance revealed that the party’s leadership has been lying about his health for four years. Biden’s legislative agenda, such as it was, was undone by the greedy capitalist oligarchy that refused to allow even the tiniest crumbs of help for the masses of people. All that was left was demonizing Trump until fate intervened and took that weapon away from them. 

Not only were we awash in nonsense but none of these people now paying homage to Trump mentioned the political violence that took place the same day in Gaza, as Israeli forces killed nearly 100 Palestinians in an effort to assassinate Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif . Not one member of congress expressed condolences, condemnation, thoughts, or prayers about this latest Israeli war crime. The atrocity received scant attention in corporate media, and the same officials who regularly vote to give Israel billions of dollars were in all probability relieved that they were not called upon to comment on their handiwork.



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