
Quite likely THE best and most succinct description of the recent 2024 US Presidential Election 'debate'.

From Mazin Qumsiyeh (from https://scheerpost.com/2024/06/29/patrick-lawrence-90-minutes-that-shook-the-liberals-awake/) - 

The U.S./Israel empire marches on with some successes and some setbacks.
Zionist-picked Conman Trump faced off against Zionist-picked Genocide Joe in a presidential debate with no public moderator by two committed Zionist Jews, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash…. It gives the U.S. public a distraction to keep the delusion that they still have democracy instead of dealing with real challenges like climate change, rich getting richer and poor getting poorer, the madness of war, etc.… Israel as an apartheid regime must end or the US/Israel killing machine goes on and will lead us to global catastrophic war thanks to the lobby/special interests. We need to focus efforts on stopping the addiction to war (and genocide) for profit and to work to build a sustainable future.

The rich and the powerful in US Crapitalism are leading all of us down a psychopathic path which will end in either nuclear armageddon (via some global war) or climate disaster.

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