
Why the Palestine movement is a struggle for national liberation.


The U.S. government is a central force in maintaining the oppression of Palestinians due to its unconditional military, political, and diplomatic support for Israel. This gives the Palestine solidarity movement in the United States a particular responsibility. The role of the movement in the United States is not to critique the ideology or strategy of the Palestinian liberation movement, but rather to do our part to support Palestinians in overthrowing the yoke of colonialism so that they can decide for themselves how they wish to organize their society. That process of Palestinians reorganizing their society will likely include intense political struggles within Palestine, just as we have seen similar struggles within other countries that liberated themselves from national oppression. Again, it is not the role of the U.S. movement to try to direct the outcome of those struggles, only to support the Palestinians’ right to self-determination — or in other words, their right to reclaim their process of independent historical development and collectively shape their future.

This is not only a morally correct position for the U.S. movement but a strategic necessity. The capitalist class that supports and profits from the oppression of Palestinians is the same capitalist class that creates poverty, inequality, and insecurity within the United States. Thus, if those capitalists lose their domination over Palestine, the working class movement here will benefit. So too would the Palestinian liberation struggle benefit if those capitalists lose their domination over the U.S. working class. International solidarity is a necessary tool to build a strong working class movement on many fronts against a common enemy.

But genuine internationalism can only be forged on the basis of mutual respect between workers of different nations. If workers who live within imperialist countries try to dictate what workers of oppressed nations should do or believe, it undermines that respect. This is a crucial concept for U.S. workers in particular to grasp. The U.S. government positions itself as “policeman” of the world, and U.S. workers are inundated with propaganda designed to make us believe that it is our right and duty to intervene in the affairs of oppressed nations — a way of thinking that only serves the interests of U.S. imperialism and harms our movement.


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