The 1% pay the wealthy to tell the middle class that the poor and working class are their enemy.
The theater of crapitalism is as follows.
You want scientific evidence?
Amazing how US crapitalism continues to deny reality in the name of endless profit.
Mexico looks to important research on this toxicity, including recent studies conducted in Mexico. Anxieties go beyond plants. Herbicide traces have been detected in breast milk and blood. Investigations found glyphosate in the urine of Mexican children, consistent with the latest research into similar experiences worldwide.
Mexico pinpoints important risks from glyphosate. This includes liver cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, research finds glyphosate can lead to infants developing “neuronal damage, diabetes, obesity and impaired lung function.” In sum, science-based reasoning isolates risks in eating GMO corn and in eating corn exposed to glyphosate.
Credit to 'Kurt' - he spotted the reformist rhetoric in this article.
It is authors like this and Ralph Nadar who are like monastic monks flagellating themselves before the God of capitalism in penance for their sinful begging and pleading to the ruling class Kings for a kinder, gentler reformation of capitalism.
Sarah Anderson says, ” We know we need change when corporations are rewarding a handful of top executives more than they are contributing to the cost of public services needed for our economy to thrive.”
Earth to Sarah, that is how capitalism works, and sorry to inform you, YOUR KIND OF CHANGE ISN’T COMING!
The kind of change Sarah Anderson speaks of is an impossibility in a system of extreme exploitation for endless profit where all three branches of the government are merely remoras hanging on their corporate shark.
The author asks, What can we do to break this cycle? She then goes on in fantastic, verbal naivete
Congress MUST, Congress can TACKLE, Policymakers HAVE, endlessly begging and pleading for the corporate entity of government to listen while that government watches from the box seats of their ruling class masters as the working class is pilloried and fed to the lions at the corporate Circus Maximus.
it is time for the working class here in the US and globally to stop listening to this illogical, obfuscating nonsense that reformation is possible. This is just another hook forced into the backs of the working class, the creators of all wealth in society, that is dragging them toward the abyss. Change will only come from the global working class educating themselves to the fact that the power for change resides with them and them only. Humanity cannot continue under an exploitative system that must grow at 3% GDP yearly. It will only survive under a global socialist system of human need over profit controlled by the working class who believe in a future of humanity on earth.
More evidence of a dying empire?
Look who doesn't want US troop in their country anymore - Niger.
Perhaps it has something to do with the settler-colonial/imperialistic nature that is crapitalism -
“Niger regrets the intention of the American delegation to deny the sovereign Nigerian people the right to choose their partners,” a government spokesperson said in a televised address, canceling the military agreement and denouncing the “condescending attitude” of U.S. diplomats.
The United States now faces the prospect of losing three military bases — including one of the world’s largest drone facilities located in the city of Agadez — and more generally, its major strategic foothold in the vast Sahel region. U.S. officials are currently scrambling to find diplomatic ways to salvage some military presence.
Unless Niger reverses course, the United States stands to lose more than just a launching pad for its drone assassination and surveillance spy programs. These bases are also anti-immigration hubs designed to clamp down on African migration northward toward Europe, and are platforms that project U.S. power southward toward the Gulf of Guinea where 60% of Africa’s oil production is concentrated.
Correct - it's not voter 'apathy'. It's that capitalism and its handlers (1%) control elections. Guess what - 'Nobody' knows.
From here ->, I did a little searching, and found this.