
You want to know the reason why our planet is headed towards suicide.

It's the rich and powerful who use capitalism to see to it.

Think I'm kidding?


Capitalism turns everything – everything! – into a commodity.  In the same process that it turns human work into labor power, of enabling people to sell themselves as they would sell any other object, capitalism turns nature into yet another commodity.  Jason Moore, in “Rise of Cheap Nature,” notes, “the condition of the rise of capitalism, in other words, was the creation of Cheap Nature.” He adds, “But Cheap is not free.” In this process, humans increasingly became non-animal, ever-less natural beings.

Over the last few centuries, capitalist plunder has been of sugar and cotton and textiles as well a coal, iron and oil.  It has been the plunder of workers, slaves and the indentured.  It is evident in the transformation of the global landscape — deforesting of the rain forests, industrial farming and super-suburban sprawl; in the endless mining for gold, coal and jadeite; in the innumerable oil spills, oil-tanker collisions and mine explosions. And it is evident in the increase in global warming, number of storms, rising sea level, draughts, loss of biodiversity, ocean acidification water pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer.

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The relatively stable two-party system inaugurated in the early 20th century has endured, with some minor challenges, until fairly recently. The American working class has remained politically disenfranchised, failing to build mass parties as happened in Europe and elsewhere.

This can be ascribed in part to the remaining resources of US imperialism, as the leading global capitalist power. In the 1930s, Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal was able to pose as the “friend of labor” and steal the political thunder of fascistic figures like Huey Long.

Even more decisive, however, was the crisis of working-class leadership, and above all the role of Stalinism, in systematically betraying the working class internationally. In the US, the Stalinists were crucial in helping to tie the insurgent labor movement to Roosevelt’s Democrats, and in the post-World War II period the anticommunist trade union bureaucracy, basing itself on the temporary postwar boom, took over the task of strangling the movement of the working class.

The last four decades, however, have witnessed a fundamental change. Everywhere the existing parties and trade unions—including the Stalinists—have been transformed and integrated into the capitalist state. Racial politics, in the form of the identity politics embraced by the Democrats, has supplemented racism and xenophobia as a means of dividing the working class. The accelerating crisis and decline of American capitalism has led, especially since the stolen election of 2000, to new and more extreme attacks on basic democratic rights.

This is part of the explosive growth of inequality, a Second Gilded Age even more extreme than the first. This level of inequality is not compatible with rights that have been won or tolerated in the past. This is the significance of the emergence of Trump, the ongoing transformation of the Republicans into a fascist party, and the complicity and bankruptcy of the Democrats in the face of the fascist danger.

Those that have money and power today - they likely won't be alive in 10-20 years. So they won't care if the tipping points alluded to in a previous blog post come to pass.

It doesn't matter to them - they think of everything as a form of competition where you win if you have the most money and power at the end. But it's that end that will destroy us all.


One of the quirky perks of crapitalism is how it enables right-wing/psychopathic institutions like the CIA to wage war on actual journalists: https://thegrayzone.com/2021/11/17/files-australian-julian-assange-prison/



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