Ajamu Baraka, BAR editor and columnist
https://blackagendareport.com/us-waging-domestic-war-and-preparing-more (the part in bold)
But, while the cost of war in terms of lives and materials is important, it is even more important to be cognizant of the logic that is in play. Is it ironic or just reflective of a deeper logic being guided by the rulers that even as the public reacts with revulsion from the information that, after more than 2 trillion dollars transferred from the people’s resources to the pockets of the military/industrial complex in support of the illegal war on Afghanistan, representatives from both parties overwhelmingly pass legislation giving yet another increase to military spending, this time to the tune of $24 billion. Is this a gesture of contempt for the public or an understanding that force and violence will be required if the U.S.-based rulers are to maintain hegemony?
As the economic, political, and moral crisis of capitalism deepens, it is clear that the rulers have made their decision. And that decision is intensified class warfare in the U.S and abroad.
This understanding is important because it recognizes that, because of the commitment to neoliberal market fundamentalism and the irreconcilable contradictions that emerged from capitalisms structural crisis that began in 2008 and sharpened with the covid pandemic, the system has only three interrelated paths, separately or in combination, that the state and ruling class is preparing for: system collapse, a fascist response, or a radical left turn toward a non-capitalist politics.
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