
A diatribe - one I couldn't either agree with more, nor write better.


The harsh reality that the Democrats need to face is that Kamala Harris is simply just pathologically unlikable. She is a genuinely shitty human being with the emotional intelligence of a sea cucumber and she lacks the Obamaite skills to cover it up with charm and feel-good catchphrases.

A big part of why the DNC fell for Kamala is that she is a political shapeshifter. She spent the first half of her career as California’s top cop, using her position first as DA of San Francisco and then as the state’s attorney general to throw tens of thousands of minorities into the jaws of the prison industrial complex for largely non-violent drug offenses. She locked up parents whose kids failed to show up to California’s notoriously heinous public schools and threw transwomen into men’s prisons before denying their basic medical rights. Kamala got rich off the fact that Black lives don’t matter and then turned an about-face when she joined Congress by selling herself as the countries wokest sitting senator. A lot of people forget that Tulsi Gabbard nearly single-handedly decapitated Kamala’s presidential campaign in five minutes by bringing up these inconvenient truths, and the power brokers of the DNC and the mainstream media honestly believed they could sell this flip-flopping psychopath to us a second time.


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