
A bloody twist to an already bad situation?


Media Bury Story That US May Have Fired on Crowd at Airport


Western media appear to be downplaying a possible major development in the Kabul airport attack, writes Joe Lauria.

By Joe Lauria
Special to Consortium News



Why the United States Is Killing the World.

This why I cannot support Capitalism.

Not only did it create all the basic problems that the Earth is experiencing today, but there's no evidence that the chief embodiment of capitalism (namely the United States Of America; as controlled by the powerful multi-national establishment corporate interests like the financial sector, the weapons industry, the technology industry, the insurance industry, the media corporations, etc. along with the Deep State, the military, the religious right, and so on) is doing anything to stop the effects of greenhouse gas emissions which cause various climate change- the biggest being global warming.

And yet in this country, people still think that they actually have choices in terms of voting either for 'blue' or red' candidates. They don't - they are just brands controlled by the very same entities above.

Something tells me this isn't going to go well.



This is the establishment - it allows one right-wing faction to protect the other.

Right down the street as well:

Mayor Wheeler, PPB and the local Democratic Party establishment has taken a definite stance on the side of the far-right by allowing them to incite and carry out violent attacks without intervention. This follows a trend that has developed over the past several years, in which Portland officials brutally crack down on left-wing demonstrations while giving the kid-glove treatment to the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer.

In January, after a series of anti-police-violence protests resulted in property damage to government buildings, Wheeler denounced “violent antifa and anarchists” and promised to “gather intelligence on these small groups of organized criminals.” In March, local police and federal agents deployed tear gas, rubber bullets and illegal kettling techniques against a peaceful crowd. This all comes after the massive police response to the George Floyd protests last summer, during which peaceful protesters were beaten and gassed by PPB, then arrested and thrown into unmarked vehicles by the Trump administration.




RIP Charlie Watts

As far as I'm concerned, he was the beat of the Rolling Stones.

Thank you Charlie.

This is why I don't hand my vote over to establishment figures.

They clearly have mental health issues. And those that can laugh at people dying are the kind the co-opted system of capitalism clearly encourage.


Ah American Exceptionalism, misandry and identity politics all in one.


Passive consumers of US corporate news media might be surprised to learn that Afghanistan, in its 19th year under US occupation, ranked second-to-last in the world on women’s well-being and empowerment, according to the Women, Peace and Security Index (2019).

To which anyone w/a modicum of critical thinking skills would ask -> what did the US do in these years to actually empower women in Afghanistan? The answer is -> nothing really.

Amazing how being 'female' means occupying foreign lands, bombing the people (regardless of gender identity or age), stealing their resources, and handing over tons of taxpayer money to weapons corporations.


What happened to Summer?

Seems like it came and went already.

Yeah I know that 'officially' it ends in September, but for me it really ends August 31st.

Rather than complain about what I don't have or lost,  better to make the most of what I have.


'$300 million per day in the last two decades.'


Close to $2 000 000 000 000 USD of American Taxpayer money spent.

20 years of the United States being there  - who profited?

Certainly not the people of Afghanistan.

Certainly not the people of the United States.

Oh wait ...


On the contrary, from the perspective of some of the most powerful people in the U.S., it may have been an extraordinary success. Notably, the boards of directors of all five defense contractors include retired top-level military officers.

The numbers (from the article) -  

These are the specific results for the relevant contractors since September 2001. All except Boeing receive the vast majority of their revenue from the U.S. government.

S&P 500

  • Total return: 516.67 percent
  • Annualized return: 9.56 percent
  • $10,000 2001 stock purchase today: $61,613.06

Basket of Top Five Contractor Stocks

  • Total return: 872.94 percent
  • $10,000 2001 stock purchase ($2,000 of each stock) today: $97,294.80


  • Total return: 974.97 percent
  • Annualized return: 12.67 percent
  • $10,000 2001 stock purchase today: $107,588.47
  • Board includes: Edmund P. Giambastiani Jr. (former vice chair, Joint Chiefs of Staff), Stayce D. Harris (former inspector general, Air Force), John M. Richardson (former navy chief of Naval Operations)


  • Total return: 331.49 percent
  • Annualized return: 7.62 percent
  • $10,000 2001 stock purchase today: $43,166.92
  • Board includes: Ellen Pawlikowski (retired Air Force general), James Winnefeld Jr. (retired Navy admiral), Robert Work (former deputy secretary of defense)

Lockheed Martin

  • Total return: 1,235.60 percent
  • Annualized return: 13.90 percent
  • $10,000 2001 stock purchase today: $133,559.21
  • Board includes: Bruce Carlson (retired Air Force general), Joseph Dunford Jr. (retired Marine Corps general)

General Dynamics

  • Total return: 625.37 percent
  • Annualized return: 10.46 percent
  • $10,000 2001 stock purchase today: $72,515.58
  • Board includes: Rudy deLeon (former deputy secretary of defense), Cecil Haney (retired Navy admiral), James Mattis (former secretary of defense and former Marine Corps general), Peter Wall (retired British general)

Northrop Grumman

  • Total return: 1,196.14 percent
  • Annualized return: 13.73 percent
  • $10,000 2001 stock purchase today: $129,644.84
  • Board includes: Gary Roughead (retired Navy admiral), Mark Welsh III (retired Air Force general)

(All stock return calculations were made with the Dividend Channel’s DRIP calculator for the period from September 18, 2001 to August 15, 2021. They reflect returns gross of any taxes and fees and are not adjusted for inflation.) 

I think the term to describe this is -> stealing money and committing violence. But something tells me none of these individuals will ever serve time in a prison, let alone be even charged.




Quote of the day - 08-15-2021.

Joe Lauria:

Afghanistan is now America’s second Vietnam.

The comparisons are even in the mainstream media: Propping up corrupt regimes in Saigon and Kabul; the Pentagon Papers and the Afghanistan Papers showing how U.S. leaders lied in exactly the same manner about how both wars were progressing; and the latest comparison: the evacuation of the embassies in Saigon and Kabul.

More than 45 years after the U.S. quit Saigon in humiliating defeat there are still questions asked about what the U.S. motive for the war really was. Was it economic, strategic, ideological or all three? The same question can be asked as the U.S. quits Kabul in humiliating defeat.


 American Exceptionalism demonstrates to all what a monumental failure it is.


In the United States, slavery is legal inside the prison system. Do you why?

Here's why -> https://scheerpost.com/2021/08/13/eddie-conway-prisons-are-an-enabler-of-americas-obscene-wealth/

Let's be clear about what this is about.

This: https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/08/13/a-day-in-the-death-of-british-justice/

  1. It's about vengeance against Julian Assange and Wikileaks for revealing to the planet the crimes committed by the rich and powerful.
  2. It's about sending a message to everyone else on the planet about what would happen if they tried to do the same. 

Anyone who tells you other wise is either a fool, a tool, or some combination of the two.

Wanna understand how the establishment operates? Why through its agency of destruction, the CIA.

Note the reference to not only Cuba, but Honduras, Venezuela, Libya, Ukraine ... do you see a pattern?



Pretty telling stuff.

Also note the date they targeted - August 13th.


If someone tries to argue that the US is NOT heading BACK to a health catastrophe, they themselves are probably heading to an end.

A catastrophe, no?

The United States has reclaimed its position as the global epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic—a criminal “achievement” of the American ruling elite—due to the rapid transmission of the Delta variant, which now accounts for more than 93 percent of all sequenced cases.

Every reputable epidemiologist and public health official had warned that abandoning mitigation measures combined with ending mask mandates was a recipe for disaster. Now the disaster is here.

The country saw almost 700,000 new cases of COVID-19 last week, a 17 percent increase over the previous week.


Isn't great how the establishment is slowing destroying not only the system that made them possible (capitalism) on its way to fascism, but will destroy itself as well? 


Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying.

So says the IPCC.

Wanna see it for yourself? Check this out: https://interactive-atlas.ipcc.ch/documentation

The human race is slowly but surely destroying both itself and everything around it. Can we really save ourselves from ourselves?


I think we can finally agree once and for all that trying to implement a progressive movement inside the establishment brands is a dead-end.


It's long overdue that those of us who truly want real progressive change in this country will need to look to ourselves to build that movement outside the influence of the establishment.

Only then will any progressive efforts within the current corrupt capitalist system have a chance to succeed; because it won't be beholden to the very establishment interests that control said system.

And we need to act fast -> Time is running out for all of us.


A recent series of five papers in the journal Ecosphere presents more than 25 case studies from these sites, providing a unique perspective on the changes underway and what’s likely ahead as the planet continues to warm. 

Religous freedom in the United States has always been to exclusion of those who don't have any such beliefs.

Case in point: Walter Plywaski.



Next time you read some piece of 'entertainment' that glorifies anything related to Israel - show them some facts which demontrates they are a murderous regime that preys on children.


On Wednesday, an 11-year-old Palestinian boy named Mohammed Al-Alami was shot and critically wounded by Israeli occupation forces whilst sitting in the back seat of his parent’s car. The shooting, using live ammunition, occurred at the entrance to Beit Ummar village, close to the main city of al-Khalil (Hebron, in Hebrew) in the West Bank. Mohammed was quickly rushed to the hospital and was later declared dead, with a bullet injury inflicted to his chest. As usual, there has been no accountability for the soldier who shot little Mohammed, nor will there be.

The following day, as Muslims are required to have a quick burial, the funeral for Mohammed took place. One of the young men from the village, Shuakat Khaled Awad, who was pictured at Mohammed’s funeral just hours before, was also shot and killed. The 20-year-old’s murder came as Israeli occupation forces stormed the village provocatively coinciding with the funeral. Young men quickly ran to confront the Israeli military with stones and were shot at with live ammunition, causing at least 10 injuries, one of which was serious.


It's very hard to demonize a person's heritage or cultural identity when they have names. Makes it a lot harder to hate them when they aren't adults. 

If after all that you continue to hear one of these fools defend this, ask yourself if you're dealing with someone rational or sane.


RIP Glen Ford.


He will be missed. My condolences to his family.

But his work will live on.