
This is the establishment - it allows one right-wing faction to protect the other.

Right down the street as well:

Mayor Wheeler, PPB and the local Democratic Party establishment has taken a definite stance on the side of the far-right by allowing them to incite and carry out violent attacks without intervention. This follows a trend that has developed over the past several years, in which Portland officials brutally crack down on left-wing demonstrations while giving the kid-glove treatment to the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer.

In January, after a series of anti-police-violence protests resulted in property damage to government buildings, Wheeler denounced “violent antifa and anarchists” and promised to “gather intelligence on these small groups of organized criminals.” In March, local police and federal agents deployed tear gas, rubber bullets and illegal kettling techniques against a peaceful crowd. This all comes after the massive police response to the George Floyd protests last summer, during which peaceful protesters were beaten and gassed by PPB, then arrested and thrown into unmarked vehicles by the Trump administration.



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