This will be remembered as the month when stupidity and ignorance reigned supreme over fact and responsibility.
Or as Peter Dykstra call it, the 'oh crap' moment.
How - you may ask?
The decision by news organizations—particularly TV news—to flee from informing the public in favor of holding their attention through fear or diversion isn’t the only reason that things have gone downhill. But it’s a major reason. Our collective attention span for serious issues is so small it can no longer be seen by the naked eye. The way the news is delivered, particularly on television, enables this.
When debates veer off into petty conflict, and literally he-said/she-said combat, two entities benefit: network ratings and candidates who don’t bother to prepare for substantive questions.
When a society fails to have any sort of public, national, honest discussion about the issue that will affect us all - and very soon - and that same society fails to produce any leaders that will address it (or worse, we're all so taken in my an establishment so bent on keeping people randomized, confused, such that they've set up a fake race between a fake Democrat (law-breaker Hillary Clinton) and a fake Republican (Trump - who's running only because said Establishment arranged it so Clinton can win)), what else can one do?
Our nation is already paying. A few decades from now, when the realities of climate change have hushed even the loudest, densest deniers, we may look back on October 2016 as the month political journalism died because we couldn’t bring ourselves to have a serious national conversation on topics that affect our lives.
The Global Establishment is what wins in this 2016 US Presidential Election. Which means the rest of us lose.
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