
Superhero movies today suck.

I think this guy largely summarizes my view of not only superhero movies, but pretty much all Hollywood films (including suspense, drama, comedy, science fiction, horror, and action/adventure) in general.

No one in Hollywood has any original ideas anymore. And certainly anything remotely original that goes beyond a real setting tends to get drenched and drowned in CGI-mania.

Look I admit - I grew up in the 1970's and 80's. So it's no surprise that I'm probably biased towards films that came out in that time or before.

But I honestly feel hero and action films were better then. A big part of it is they felt like complete films - it wasn't all about how many bad-guys can be taken out, how loud explosions can be, how bombastic the music was. There was a plot, there were characters (who mind your were not feminized and emasculated as they are today, like the recent 007 flicks, or the last Superman; much of which of that comes from today's television shows). They had a bit of suspense, drama, even humor.

And regardless of what one thinks about their politics, guys like Arnold, Stallone, Eastwood and Willis were entertaining when paired up with a good story. Both parts of that sentence are what makes a film important, not just one or the other.

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