Testing software is a lot like Bass Players in rock music these days - It's never really in the forefront, but you miss it when it's not there. Sure let the singer or lead guitarist get all the acolades. But without bass things can get quite empty. Oh sure there are bass players who want to play lead (Software Developers In Test; I purposely omit the E for Engineering because having a Computer Science degree doesn't make on an Engineer), but for the most part, bass playing is about keeping things solid between the drums and the other instruments.
I'd say 'Rhythm Guitar' is more like being a Functional/Systems Analyst or Program Manager. You have to determine how things are laid out and be consistent about it. They are the interface between all the other instruments (drums/bass, lead guitar, singer, keyboard) much like in software (interface between the business and the developers/testers/deployment team). You could also lump in Project Managers as well, as they keep everyone on track and good ones keeps things on time.
Deployment or Operational Support groups are your Drummers - they march to how things are and are typically solid and straight-forward.
Developers are Lead Guitarists for sure - rock stars who love playing the big (often technical) solos and showing off, but not actually for singing, but rather showing off what they can do external to that.
The Business are the Singers - it's all about providing something for them to support what they do.
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