
Global Confederation - The new Corporation Establishment Empire.


(Thank you Mound of Sound)

We are in a day and age where the establishment in each industry across Planet Earth at an enterprise/conglomerate level now owns or effectively controls pretty much all aspects of human life across all forms of human society.

The new emperor is not a person - it's a global confederation of establishment enterprise corporations. And they seek only to thrive and exist like a cancer on a patient; they don't think, they aren't altruistic, they don't care outwardly for anyone and anything other than themselves.

Never mind that the greatest threat to human civilization and its future - global warming - is also the greatest threat to this new confederation. It doesn't think to react or plan to that, because it's not meant to by-design.

They use tools like lobbyists, organizations like ALEC and their weapon of choice - money - to achieve their aims.

The confederation's only accountability is to earn profit for its shareholders - nothing more.

Whether it's media, food, technology, transportation, entertainment, health, education, weaponry, you name it - our future is tied to their's.

The problem is - it doesn't think. It's not a real person. Certainly it cannot really think ahead. And because of this, and the large amount of power and control it wields in our lives, it makes it a grave impediment to our collective future.

To solve the problem of global warming before it's too late, will involve human civilization coming up with a suitable recourse to the effective control this confederation has. That is, human civilization must effectively unleash its collective strengths - our minds and our numbers.

Unless human civilization can  - overwhelmingly - think and act together - we will never move forward and we will not survive much longer.

What's needed is a uniting mechanism to do this.

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