
President Obama's real right-wing political opponent.

The Prime Minister of Israel., so asserts Mr. Steven Jonas. Consider the following -

... his goals of aggression have nothing to do with Iran and everything to do with the Palestinians and the Occupied Territories, known to the Israeli Right, their US far right-wing/Orthodox settler base in them, and their US Right-wing Christian supporters. They all make policy based on Biblical text, which does, from several millennia ago, describe "The Land of Israel." What Netanyahu and his even-further-to-the-right allies very possibly really want to do is annex the West Bank and drive out the Palestinians. And then they might ethnically cleanse Israel of its Arab citizens at the same time (because the Arab birthrate exceeds the Jewish birthrate and might eventually create a majority of the electorate). If Obama wins re-election, it is highly unlikely that any of this would be possible, and in one way or another Netanyahu would be forced into real negotiations. This is something he absolutely does not want to do (3). And so, the solution? Get a Republican government elected, by feeding strongly into the standard GOP myth that Obama (?Muslim, ?Kenyan, definitely "black" [even though he is half white]) is "weak." Iran would not be bombed anyway. Israel would certainly not have to negotiate with the Palestinians and might very well be allowed to proceed with its own "resolution" of the "Palestinian problem," which many Israeli government officials have openly advocated (4).

3. Jonas, S., "Why the Current Israeli Government Will Not Negotiate,"

4. DANNY DANON (a deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset), "Making the Land of Israel Whole, The New York Times, May 18, 2011.

Hmm ... there's that religious thing again ... that lack of rational thinking and acting.

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