
What is the point of even having a corporate media anymore?

I mean seriously - what other purpose do they serve, except to either lie about current events in favor of the right-wing establishment, or simply not bother reporting news at all?

U.S. targeted EU on GM foods: WikiLeaks


Senior U.S. officials in Paris advised the George Bush administration to launch a military-style trade war against the European Union for resisting genetically modified foods, according to newly released WikiLeaks cables.

The then U.S. ambassador to France, Craig Stapleton, asked the government to penalize the EU and particularly countries that banned the use of genetically modified (GM) crops.

The move came in response to a 2007 French ban on a GM corn variety made by U.S.-based company Monsanto.
Ah, moronicism and Monsanto. They seem to go hand-in-hand.

Of course I should not be so smug. Considering all the HFCS and corn syrup I've probably consumed in my lifetime (of which I'm sure the vast majority of it was from GMO), I would not put it past Monsanto to have developed organisms from cancers growing inside me from all that GMO to spy on me on their behalf.

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