Celebrate your supposed 'victory' now. I have a feeling that won't last very long for you, or the rest of the country in the near-future - what do I mean by that?
I mean let's face facts. Let's review a mere fraction of what Hillary Clinton is.
Hillary Clinton is a person who has a long history of -
What just these small points tell me is - Hillary Clinton has never been Progressive, and has never been A Progressive or Progressively-minded person.
What I see Hillary Clinton as is someone who's more interested in cravenly retaining more power and doing the bidding of the Corporate Establishment, rather than utilizing the job of President of The United States responsibly and with accountability for the American people. I cannot support someone like that.
So Mrs. Clinton will never get such much as cent from me, nor will she ever get my vote.
And, if you really don't believe in any of that despite all of those things above being facts, then it's you, not me who's really destroying this country and planet for future generations.
Now a message to Democratic Party Super-delegates (at least those honest enough to admit they know that Donald Trump being President of The United States is a very bad thing) -
What do you think is going to happen regarding her setting up private email server issue and conducting State Department business on? You think the OIG report which documented that Mrs. Clinton not only broke several rules and laws by installing a private email, but exposed confidential State Department data to hackers and foreign interests, is suddenly going to go away? It won't but if you still think it will, I'll get to that in a moment.
But first - don't take my word for it - read the report yourself -
If nothing else, be honest to yourself and read the report. Get a true picture of whom and what exactly is 'fighting for you', so-to-speak.
That report was conducted by the current Obama State Department, so there's no way it can be construed as some sort of right-wing plot. All of her so-called justifications for doing what she did were exposed as falsehoods and lies in that report. Mrs. Clinton lied then about it, and is lying now.
And something else to consider - given that Barack Obama is currently President, and John Kerry is Secretary of State, either of them could've somehow delayed or stopped the report from being published. That they didn't ... itself says something. To me that says they want the American people and its politicians to judge the results of Mrs. Clinton's actions as documented in the report on its own merits.
And therein lies the really bad news for her supporters and her campaign... because whether an indictment is recommended by the FBI, and whether an indictment is handed down, and whether it comes down either before or after the Democratic Convention this summer; I think it will make no difference.
The first question you have to ask is - do you really want Donald Trump as President Of The United States? Polls right now show him either tying or beating Clinton now. Imagine what would happen if one of those four scenarios above happens?
So now .... what about if none of those happen at all - let's say it does 'go away'? No, what you really mean is it'll 'go away till after the election'. Think about what that really means -
What you really believe is She broke the law AND the country's largest law enforcement agency DOESN'T recommend an indictment AND Donald Trump, AND the Republican Party AND the right-wing AND the Corporate Establishment takes no action.
Why would the American Right-Wing and the Corporate Establishment not take any action? My belief in that situation is what I've felt all along - Hillary Clinton is a part of both the American Right-wing and said Corporate Establishment. Such information about her past actions can be used as means of control or her in future after she takes office. Given her fractional track record above - is that really in the interests of the American People?
Do you really want someone who has a history of poor judgment, takes money from non-people interests, has a history of switching sides, a has zero concern for anyone but herself, will compromise anyone and anything to accomplish they themselves are directed to do, and lastly has track record for endangering lives with reckless even criminal behavior while being the head of a large US Government Body with no accountability?
That's not a candidate I can or ever will support. And if you believe for an instant the replacing her with someone other than Bernie Sanders (i.e. Al Gore, Joe Biden, John Kerry, etc.) is going to work, I think you'd be sorely mistaken
Democratic Party Super-delegates - you do have a choice. Make the right choice and support the candidate who really can help all Americans - Bernie Sanders.
I mean let's face facts. Let's review a mere fraction of what Hillary Clinton is.
Hillary Clinton is a person who has a long history of -
- Poor judgment - voting to invade Iraq, trumpeting war efforts against Iran, supporting no-fly zones in Syria that would lead to open conflict with Russia, overthrowing democratically elected government in Honduras and setting up a right-wing dictatorship, setting up a private email server as Secretary of State and conducting State Department business? How about her friendship with Henry Kissinger?
- Taking money from corporate and non-people interests, then doing their bidding - how about that bankruptcy bill that the credit card industry supported that she was against as First Lady, then turned around and supported as a Senator AFTER getting a lot of Senate campaign support from the very same financial industries? How about all that money for speeches from Goldman Sachs and others? How about all the money taken from media outlets like Time Warner and others? How about sitting on the BOD for Walmart? How about all those SuperPACs?
- Switching sides - that she was originally a Goldwater Republican; that she was against gay marriage until after 2013, that she was for war with Iraq, then regretted it, then turned around and said she wasn't?
- Not a molecule of compassion for anyone but Hillary Clinton - look up 'We came. We saw. He died!" for an example of how callous, cold and dare-say-I psychotic of her to say? Regardless of whomever one is referring to, referring to any human being in that manner is a prime example of someone who's crazy.
- Will co-opt anyone and anything to get nominated - using your influence in the DNC to fix things so Sanders supporters would be disenfranchised from voter rolls in the primaries like California, #ExitPollGate, co-opting local parties to not correct delegate counts till after the false media narrative about how won is set in, strawman candidates like Trump, partnering with Google and other online entities to send false information online (BernieBros, Correct The Record, paid YouTube trolls, etc).
What just these small points tell me is - Hillary Clinton has never been Progressive, and has never been A Progressive or Progressively-minded person.
What I see Hillary Clinton as is someone who's more interested in cravenly retaining more power and doing the bidding of the Corporate Establishment, rather than utilizing the job of President of The United States responsibly and with accountability for the American people. I cannot support someone like that.
Hillary Clinton is America's 21th Century Maggie Thatcher.
So Mrs. Clinton will never get such much as cent from me, nor will she ever get my vote.
And, if you really don't believe in any of that despite all of those things above being facts, then it's you, not me who's really destroying this country and planet for future generations.
Now a message to Democratic Party Super-delegates (at least those honest enough to admit they know that Donald Trump being President of The United States is a very bad thing) -
What do you think is going to happen regarding her setting up private email server issue and conducting State Department business on? You think the OIG report which documented that Mrs. Clinton not only broke several rules and laws by installing a private email, but exposed confidential State Department data to hackers and foreign interests, is suddenly going to go away? It won't but if you still think it will, I'll get to that in a moment.
But first - don't take my word for it - read the report yourself -
If nothing else, be honest to yourself and read the report. Get a true picture of whom and what exactly is 'fighting for you', so-to-speak.
That report was conducted by the current Obama State Department, so there's no way it can be construed as some sort of right-wing plot. All of her so-called justifications for doing what she did were exposed as falsehoods and lies in that report. Mrs. Clinton lied then about it, and is lying now.
And something else to consider - given that Barack Obama is currently President, and John Kerry is Secretary of State, either of them could've somehow delayed or stopped the report from being published. That they didn't ... itself says something. To me that says they want the American people and its politicians to judge the results of Mrs. Clinton's actions as documented in the report on its own merits.
And therein lies the really bad news for her supporters and her campaign... because whether an indictment is recommended by the FBI, and whether an indictment is handed down, and whether it comes down either before or after the Democratic Convention this summer; I think it will make no difference.
- If an indictment isn't recommended by the FBI - I'm reasonably certain some of the information will get leaked to the Republican Party and used as a legitimate political weapon in the election campaign. Despite my belief that Trump is a Clinton Strawman, I have a feeling that if she's the Democratic Presidential nominee, she'll lose and lose badly in the November 2016 US Presidential Election to Donald Trump. And that would not only impact her, but the Democratic Party would lose badly in both Houses of Congress.
- If an indictment is recommended by the FBI, but not acted upon by the Obama Administration - it would not only taint his reputation, but also I'm still reasonably certain somehow some of the information will get leaked to the Republican Party and used as a legitimate political weapon in the election campaign. Despite my belief that Trump is a Clinton Strawman, I have a feeling that if she's the Democratic Presidential nominee, she'll lose and lose badly in the November 2016 US Presidential Election to Donald Trump. And that would not only impact her, but the Democratic Party would lose badly in both Houses of Congress.
- If an indictment is recommended by the FBI, and acted upon by the Obama Administration before the Democratic Convention - I'm 100% certain ALL information will used by the Republican Party as a legitimate political weapon in the election campaign. Despite my belief that Trump is a Clinton Strawman, I have a feeling that if she's the Democratic Presidential nominee, she'll lose and lose badly in the November 2016 US Presidential Election to Donald Trump. And that would not only impact her, but the Democratic Party would lose badly in both Houses of Congress.
- If an indictment is recommended by the FBI, and acted upon by the Obama Administration after the Democratic Convention - I'm 100% certain ALL information will be used against her by Republican Party and as a legitimate political weapon in the election campaign. Despite my belief that Trump is a Clinton Strawman, I have a feeling that if she's the Democratic Presidential nominee, she'll lose and lose badly in the November 2016 US Presidential Election to Donald Trump. And that would not only impact her, but the Democratic Party would lose badly in both Houses of Congress.
The first question you have to ask is - do you really want Donald Trump as President Of The United States? Polls right now show him either tying or beating Clinton now. Imagine what would happen if one of those four scenarios above happens?
So now .... what about if none of those happen at all - let's say it does 'go away'? No, what you really mean is it'll 'go away till after the election'. Think about what that really means -
What you really believe is She broke the law AND the country's largest law enforcement agency DOESN'T recommend an indictment AND Donald Trump, AND the Republican Party AND the right-wing AND the Corporate Establishment takes no action.
Why would the American Right-Wing and the Corporate Establishment not take any action? My belief in that situation is what I've felt all along - Hillary Clinton is a part of both the American Right-wing and said Corporate Establishment. Such information about her past actions can be used as means of control or her in future after she takes office. Given her fractional track record above - is that really in the interests of the American People?
Do you really want someone who has a history of poor judgment, takes money from non-people interests, has a history of switching sides, a has zero concern for anyone but herself, will compromise anyone and anything to accomplish they themselves are directed to do, and lastly has track record for endangering lives with reckless even criminal behavior while being the head of a large US Government Body with no accountability?
That's not a candidate I can or ever will support. And if you believe for an instant the replacing her with someone other than Bernie Sanders (i.e. Al Gore, Joe Biden, John Kerry, etc.) is going to work, I think you'd be sorely mistaken
Democratic Party Super-delegates - you do have a choice. Make the right choice and support the candidate who really can help all Americans - Bernie Sanders.
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