
Ran into a major musical snag.

My drummer is currently not functional.

By this, I mean the device by which I program drum parts for given songs, has run into a problem, when trying to record from it to a mixer, via USB. While happening, a foul odor emanated from the device (I kid you not), and it shut down. 

When I finally started it back up, several basic features no longer work. Old projects run with latency. The UI is glitch-y. And the speakers no longer function.

Yeah - it's that bad.

Of course, the device is no longer under warranty, but this leaves me with a major dilemma ->

  • A major diagnosis and repair cost would be coming - but this assumes the problem can even be repaired. 
  • Purchasing a replacement device, but this presumes I know what the cause of the original damage was, such that I don't repeat this issue.

Just getting support has also been a pain. I reached out to one repair place, and never heard back. Now I'm trying some local places, but with the assumption that it'll be VERY expensive.

It really sucks. We just finished our tax return, and I wanted to earmark some money into investing in a new multi-track recorder. But now I have to take a step back and figure out if I should resolve this issue first.

Life sucks living in Crapitalism.

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