
How long will it be before Dubya endorses Kamala Harris for US President in 2024?

Something I heard Glenn Greenwald muse about yesterday.

I have a feeling it won't be long.

As far as I'm concerned, George W Bush (aka Dubya) and his regime were far more destructive to this country than Biden, Trump, and Obama combined - and by a very wide margin.

  • Dubya and his crew stole the 2000 US Presidential Election.
  • Dubya and his crew failed to protect this country on 09/11/2001 even when they had knowledge of an attack coming. ~3000 people were killed as a result.
    •  And let's not forget that this was used as an excuse to implement the Patriot Act, which in turn (among other things) introduced a warrantless spying program, as well as a torture program as part of the 'war on terror'.
  • Dubya and his crew then turned around and invaded Afghanistan and then Iraq as a way to defect attention away from their above failures. The war in Iraq alone is probably the biggest debacle in American history.
  • Dubya and his crew failed to protect New Orleans when they had knowledge that Hurricane Katrina was coming. Many people lost their lives.

Of course there are many many other things - but those are the really big terrible ones. And he along with his cronies (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell Rice, Ashcroft, etc) never faced any accountability for their crimes.

Now the people involved with that regime (like Bill Kristol - the idiot who convinced John McCain to pick Sarah Palin as VP in 2008), are all now backing Kamala Harris.

No thanks.

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