
Never let the stench of past racial supremacy foul up the stench of today's current racial supremacy.

Gotta hand it to Spain and its ruling class - assholes always.


Spain rejects invite to Mexican presidential inauguration over exclusion of monarch

The decision of the future president has to do with the conflict that her predecessor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, had with the Spanish Crown regarding a request for an apology for the crimes committed in Mexico by the Spanish conquistadors.

September 27, 2024



A very good way at looking at software testing in the 21th Century, and beyond.

Times may change, but a lot about what solutions are delivered, depend greatly on how, and how we view them.


One argument out there suggests that our products can be built from releases of tiny little bricks. This is true.

Another argument out there suggests that tiny little bricks cannot sustain the needs of a product, and we need longer bricks to build a stable product. This is also true.

Both arguments are incomplete until you start tying them together. No structure is built out of independent, non-related parts. We build things out of different sized and shaped bricks that overlap with each other to bind them together.



The United States Of America is the banana republic it's ruling class projects on others.

In this country, telling or revealing the reality of any situation based on facts and/or evidence is a crime against the ruling class.

None of which will allow a non-white person from escaping being lynched, despite evidence suggesting them to be innocent of the crimes convicted of.

Case in point - >  Marcellus Williams.


What if this was one of you family? What what is alleged is not true?

What about justice? What if this was you?


Lying liars, and the lies they tell.

In crapitalism, it's evidently acceptable to lie to the public if it supports the ruling class.

It must be, because past liars seem to get away with as much.

In the case of the current US Secretary Of State, it's committing outright crimes - like lying to US Congress.





If you need a reminder that the middle management of the US crapitalist ruling class are indeed monsters ...

or ... plants by the Mossad, or IDF .. same thing ... along with the ruling class ...

... well ...


The Madness of Antony Blinken

Two years after the Pentagon shot down his ploy for a no-fly zone against Russia in Ukraine, the U.S. “top diplomat” has been at it again pushing an even more insane idea, writes Joe Lauria.



We live in an age of gaslight capitalism.

Where its ruling class tries to tell the majority in America, that Israel is the victim when they set off a number of devices to explode in another country.

Wrong. Israel is a terrorist nation, out of control and with the approval of it's bully benefactor the United States.

And, it's all about furthering war and profit - make no mistake.

I find it perplexing that a company in a market essentially with itself, can both 'lose' money, STILL lose money, and get billions in handouts from the government.

That is the company known as Boeing. Amazing, I don't see Trump or Harris on these picket lines with these protesting employees.

If the Teamsters don't want to endorse you for US President - that can't be good.

And yet, here we are -> 




If you need a reminder that the middle management of the US crapitalist ruling class are indeed morons ...

Look no further than the clips here.

What's sad is, not only does it appears like she's on something (or had too much), not only does it appear like she's reading off of notes (which suggest that the questions were known in advance), but it even seems like the interviewers themselves are practically GIVING her the answers in their own questions!

And still she can't deliver.

I don't have Trump Derangement Syndrome because I honestly don't know which one would actually be worse for the American people - Trump or Harris.


The average American is the most heavily propgandized person in the world - and it's by-design.

Keep them ignorant and fearful of every other culture and country out there.

Keep them blind to their own endless consumption of the planet's dwindling resources.

Keep them scared of anything that in fact gives them more choice and decision-making power over the things in life we all need to survive - like food, clothing, shelter, health, education, etc.

And most of all ... keep them deluded into thinking there are only two 'choices' in any election, thus reinforcing the US crapitalist system's role as the illusion of democracy.



Arctic Sea Ice minimum 2024. Three degrees Celsius warming now baked in!

From the video description -

Arctic Sea ice reaches it's minimum extent each year around the middle of September. This year is one of the lowest in recorded history. Ocean temperatures have been so 'off the charts' in 2023 and 2024 that scientists fear those waters have reached their capacity to mop up after us humans and are now starting to release that energy. On our current trajectory, by 2100, our planet will reach a temperature not seen for 3 MILLION years!. So...what's the plan???

Oh look - ANOTHER CIA failure!

Amazing how skilled an intelligent the CIA is NOT.


Venezuelan Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello announced that authorities had dismantled an operation reportedly backed by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States and the National Intelligence Center of Spain, which sought to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro, Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, Cabello, and other government officials. The minister announced that Venezuelan authorities had seized 400 weapons from the US and arrested 14 mercenaries who were involved in the plot. Among the arrested is Wilber Joseph Castañeda, an active US military officer and Navy Seal. Two Spanish citizens were reportedly also arrested, José María Basua and Andrés Badasbe.

Making the connection between militarism and climate chnage.

Marjorie Cohn certainly does.


Oh this is interesting -

On Sept. 11, 2001, 19 men committed suicide and took roughly 3,000 people with them by flying two airliners into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and one into a field in Pennsylvania.

None of the hijackers hailed from Afghanistan or Iraq; 15 came from Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, the Bush administration illegally invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and overthrew their governments, then killed, injured and tortured nearly three-quarters of a million of their people.

Beyond the terrible death tolls in both countries, a lesser known consequence of the “war on terror” was the exacerbation of the climate catastrophe, both in the countries targeted by the war and globally.

Since the 1997 Kyoto Protocol excluded military emissions from the counting of national emissions figures, U.S. military emissions are significantly undercounted. Although militaries are a significant source of carbon emissions, little is understood about their carbon footprint.

One of the first studies to expose direct and indirect military emissions as a result of combat was conducted by Benjamin Neimark, Oliver Belcher, Kirsti Ashworth and Reuben Larbi.

They examined the use of concrete “blast walls” by U.S. forces in Baghdad, Iraq, from 2003-2008, the first five years of Bush’s “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” to measure the carbon footprint of the war. Concrete walls and barriers were also used in U.S. counterinsurgency operations in Kandahar and Kabul, Afghanistan, from 2008-2012 during “Operation Enduring Freedom.” (Although these two wars did not bring freedom, their effects on the climate crisis are enduring.)

While occupying Baghdad, the U.S. military erected hundreds of miles of blast walls in order to control the urban population pursuant to its counterinsurgency strategy. “Effective weaponisation of concrete has an extraordinary carbon footprint,” Neimark, Belcher, Ashworth and Larbi wrote.

“The large carbon footprint comes mainly from the amount of heat and energy in cement production, the main ingredient in concrete.”


Hmm ... interesting.


Justice for Julian Assange?

In a crapitalist system, I doubt it.

That doesn't mean folks can't try -> 



Yeah it matters. It fucking matters a lot.

If you believe in the concept of holding those in authority responsible and accountable for the crimes they commit on behalf of the ruling class, then it matters a great deal. 



Palestinians have a right to defend themselves and their land.

End of fucking story.

Everything else the US crapitalist ruling class (and it's legacy media lackeys) repeat is a lies.


In its most recent opinion, the Court has declared that Israel’s presence in the territories violates the principle of self-determination, the rule of non-acquisition of territory by force, and the human rights of the Palestinian people and that it must quickly end its presence and compensate the Palestinian people for losses suffered. As a matter of law, every Israeli boot on the ground, every Israeli missile, jet, or drone in Palestinian air space, and even a single unauthorized Israeli bicycle on a Palestinian road, is a breach of international law. 

In sum, Israel’s lawful remedy for threats that it alleges emanate from the occupied territories is to end its unlawful occupation, dismantle the settlements, leave the territories, remove the siege, and fully relinquish control to the occupied Palestinian people. 

Here, international law is a simple reflection of common sense and universal morality. A criminal cannot take over someone’s home, move in, loot its contents, imprison and brutalize the inhabitants, and then claim self-defense to murder the homeowners when they fight back.



RIP James Earl Jones.

Another part of my childhood gone.

Thank you James. Your work helped me get through an early part of life 


Oh look who just copped a plea deal for not paying their taxes -> Hunter Biden!

Amazing how an actual trial is avoided, right in the middle of election season!

Check out the Matt Orfalea video HLM plays - wonder who many of the legacy media idiots feel about this guilty plea today?


How long will it be before Dubya endorses Kamala Harris for US President in 2024?

Something I heard Glenn Greenwald muse about yesterday.

I have a feeling it won't be long.

As far as I'm concerned, George W Bush (aka Dubya) and his regime were far more destructive to this country than Biden, Trump, and Obama combined - and by a very wide margin.

  • Dubya and his crew stole the 2000 US Presidential Election.
  • Dubya and his crew failed to protect this country on 09/11/2001 even when they had knowledge of an attack coming. ~3000 people were killed as a result.
    •  And let's not forget that this was used as an excuse to implement the Patriot Act, which in turn (among other things) introduced a warrantless spying program, as well as a torture program as part of the 'war on terror'.
  • Dubya and his crew then turned around and invaded Afghanistan and then Iraq as a way to defect attention away from their above failures. The war in Iraq alone is probably the biggest debacle in American history.
  • Dubya and his crew failed to protect New Orleans when they had knowledge that Hurricane Katrina was coming. Many people lost their lives.

Of course there are many many other things - but those are the really big terrible ones. And he along with his cronies (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell Rice, Ashcroft, etc) never faced any accountability for their crimes.

Now the people involved with that regime (like Bill Kristol - the idiot who convinced John McCain to pick Sarah Palin as VP in 2008), are all now backing Kamala Harris.

No thanks.

A trial that all eyes and ears in the US should pay attention to.

Even in stalwart capitalist countries - coups are possible.

Case in point  - France.


Hmm, I wonder why?

French President Emmanuel Macron has finally nominated a new Prime Minister. However, his choice is not someone from the New Popular Front (NFP), the left-progressive alliance that won the most seats in the recent snap election. Instead, Macron opted for Michel Barnier, a conservative former EU official and Brexit negotiator, igniting yet more anger among left and progressive circles in France. 


What part of the word genocide is not understood?

It's destroying an entire group of people.

And that's what Israel is seeking to do in the land they've stolen from the Palestinians.


Well what do people say about shit like this -

Francesca Albanese, the U.N. special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories, said in a statement that "there is mounting evidence that no Palestinian is safe under Israel's unfettered control."

"The writing is on the wall, and we cannot continue to ignore it," said Albanese, who released a detailed report in May concluding that there are "reasonable grounds to believe" Israel is guilty of genocide in Gaza.

Albanese's new statement came as the Israeli military's largest assault on the West Bank in decades continued into its second week. At least 29 Palestinians have been killed during the series of military raids, according toAl Jazeera, including at least five children.

"Apartheid Israel is targeting Gaza and the West Bank simultaneously, as part of an overall process of elimination, replacement, and territorial expansion," Albanese said Tuesday. "The longstanding impunity granted to Israel is enabling the de-Palestinization of the occupied territory, leaving Palestinians at the mercy of the forces pursuing their elimination as a national group."


'Unburdened' indeed.



A democracy's true measure is the collective achievements it successfully delivers for all.

Any other system that touts symbolism - or anything else otherwise - serves only a few.